Mario Lopez and Tiffani Theissen have a Saved By The Bell reunion on Ellen

What’s high school reunion without a drink or two?

Mario Lopez sat in for Ellen DeGeneres on Wednesday’s episode of the talkshow and invited his Saved By The Bell co-star Tiffani Theissen along to help him carry it off in style — a feat that was enhanced greatly by some alcohol.

Since Theissen has a cookbook out soon (Pull Up a Chair: Recipes from My Family to Yours, out October 2), the late-eighties’ sitcom stars mixed up some rum milkshakes and tequila-based peach cocktails to really get things going, using recipes from Theissen’s book — naturally. Such was the party spirit at this mini reunion that Lopez was even prompted to dance a little after he chugged some of the tequila drink.

The duo then sat down for a chat to reminisce about their days on set — what they could remember, it has been 30 years after all — before Lopez asked Theissen if her kids were fans of the show. “Harper started watching it a tiny, tiny bit,” shared Theissen. “I was okay with season one, but after that, when kissing started happening, I was like, ‘no,no,no we’re done!’ Theissen’s daughter might have wanted to see more, but Lopez’s kids were not “feeling it.” Their main comment? “Daddy, why is your hair like that?” Kids today, eh?

Watch the clip above.

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