Alan Cumming recalls the time he got burned by liquid nitrogen on the set of GoldenEye

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Bond villains always meet gruesome ends, and Alan Cumming’s Boris Grishenko in GoldenEye met a particularly chilling death when he was frozen to death by computer coolant in an explosion. It turns out filming the sequence was also quite hairy for Cumming, who was burned by liquid nitrogen in the process.

The Scottish actor and star of CBS’ Instinct joined PeopleTV’s Couch Surfing to look back at past roles and revealed the Bond accident to host Lola Ogunnaike. He explains that there was a model made of his body for the character when we see him frozen to death, but he had to film the transition scenes which resulted in his getting burned by liquid nitrogen used to create the smoke effects on set.

“When I was shooting it I had a strap thing around me that held me so I couldn’t move when all the stuff started to fall,” he says. “There were some big lumps of liquid ice, liquid nitrogen at the bottom of the thing, and it landed on my head and I couldn’t move. It started burning my head.”

He recounts that he started screaming, but he was unable to get away because he was strapped so tightly into position. “These firemen came rushing on to the set and put my hair out,” he concluded.

Cumming also discusses the character’s trademark pen trick in the scene, and how difficult it was for him to learn to do, made all the more complicated by the pen on set being very different in size and shape than the one he had practiced with.

Watch the clip above for more.

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