Legends of Tomorrow boss on that steamy hookup

Daddy Darhkest
Photo: Jeff Weddell/The CW

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Monday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Read at your own risk!

Sara Lance and John Constantine reunited in a big way when DC’s Legends of Tomorrow returned on Monday — wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

The two anti-heroes hadn’t seen each other since the fourth season of Arrow, in which John Constantine (Matt Ryan) restored Sara’s (Caity Lotz) soul. During the winter premiere, Constantine had tracked the Legends down after a young Nora Darhk was possessed by Mallus, who aimed to drag Sara into the spirit world.

When Constantine and Sara — along with Leo Snart, who exited the team by hour’s end — got trapped in 1969 without the Waverider, the duo decided to act on the sexual tension between them and, well, enjoy a timey-wimey hookup.

“It was simply something that had to be done,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells EW of the temporary couple, who both happen to be bisexual. “I mean, literally I said in the room, ‘If we’re having Constantine on the show, he and Sara have to sleep together.’ I very rarely lay down directives, but for me that was non-negotiable.”

The moment was fleeting, however, as Constantine won’t be sticking around. But it’s clear that Sara is finally going to act on her feelings for Time Bureau Agent Ava Sharpe (Jes Macallan). Any potential relationship is less a reaction to her hookup with Constantine and more about everyone pointing out the obvious, as Snart did during Monday’s episode.

“I don’t think that it’s related to Constantine, but it is definitely, I think, related to the thing that Sara learns in episodes 10 and 11,” Guggenheim says. “There’s a one-two punch really in terms of people telling Sara to get her head out of her a— as far as Ava’s concerned. And I’d just say that [episodes 10 and 11] kind of turn her.”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

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