Teen Wolf: Colton Haynes, Charlie Carver talk their big return

This Sunday’s Teen Wolf has a special treat for fans: The return of Jackson and Ethan. And as EW previously reported, they’re coming back in a relationship. But for Colton Haynes and Charlie Carver, the experience was all about getting to revisit the people they worked with. EW was on set for their big return and sat down with both actors during their final days of shooting.

“It feels like we just picked up right where we left off,” Haynes said, sitting in his trailer between takes. Carver added that the vibe on set was “part high school reunion, part frat house. Something very sweet and then also, trouble. Celebratory, I should say.”

For Haynes, the moment he found out the show was ending, he acted. He wasn’t going to miss saying farewell to this experience. “I thought it was just going to keep going until like season 15,” Haynes said. “I had no idea it was ending and then it happened and I called [showrunner] Jeff [Davis] and I said, ‘You know I’m going to be a part of this right?’ Luckily a couple conflicts worked out so I was able to do it.”

One of the first things both Carver and Haynes did upon their return was a fang fitting, a moment Carver said helped snap him back into character: “As soon as you’ve got the claws and the fangs on, you’re right back where you started.” Speaking of claws, Haynes still has one of his original pairs. “I’m a weird hoarder when it comes to memories,” Haynes said, admitting that he still has the first draft of the pilot script, his chair back from his two seasons on the show, and even his teeth from the moment Jackson turned into a werewolf.

Speaking of Jackson becoming a werewolf, he won’t be the exact same Jackson that fans remember. “My character’s completely different but it still is Jackson,” Haynes said. Of course, the biggest change is his relationship with a man. However, that’s not the only thing that’s different now that Jackson is half-werewolf, half-kanima. “Jackson does get to use his tail a lot,” Haynes said. “I used it yesterday on this poor security guard. It’s just fun.”

As for how their characters will ultimately say goodbye when the series ends, Carver said, “I was pleasantly surprised with where Ethan ended up and I think people are going to be really happy with the way this ends.”

–Reporting by C. Molly Smith

Teen Wolf airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on MTV.

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