Shadowhunters: Dominic Sherwood says Jace and Clary's future won't be 'easy'

Photo: Ian Watson/Freeform

Shadowhunters returns Monday for the first new episode since the kiss — a kiss Dominic Sherwood says was full of “passion” and “emotions.” With the show’s main love triangle back in full swing, ilife in the Clave is going to be a bit more complicated, and Sherwood, who plays Jace, reveals to EW what that might look like.

When Clary, Jace, and Simon went to the Seelie Court to learn about the Seelie who was murdering Shadowhunters, they got more than just answers: Thanks to a bit of trickery from the Seelie Queen, Clary and Jace locked lips with Simon standing right next to them. “In that one brief moment between the two of them, all pretense and all kind of guarded behavior was lost,” Sherwood says. “There was nothing except for the two of them falling into that passion and giving into the emotions they both feel.”

But that doesn’t mean the answer for what to do next will be “black and white,” he says. After all, Clary is still coupled with Simon. And Jace and Clary will continue to work together. “They’re about to be assigned missions together, and it’s not going to be an easy transition because of everything that’s just occurred,” Sherwood says.

In addition to the Clace kiss, Jace is dealing with what his recently discovered family heritage means and who Sebastian is. Sherwood cryptically teases: “We’re going to do a lot more discovery into Valentine and Jace and other characters that we previously didn’t know were connected to Jace and other characters throughout the story.” These are all issues that he says will “come to a head” in the summer finale.

Shadowhunters airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on Freeform.

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