American Gods explores gay sex: Bryan Fuller, cast break down 'beautiful' scene

Yes, this video had to be censored

Meet your favorite new American Gods ‘ship: Salim (Omid Abtahi) and The Jinn (Mousa Kraish)

This week, executive producer Bryan Fuller, Abtahi, and Kraish drop by EW’s American Gods: Inside the Episode — hosted by EW’s Marc Snetiker and Orlando Jones, who brings Mr. Nancy to life on the Starz drama — to discuss “Head Full of Snow,” which features an intimate love scene between Salim and The Jinn. According to the guests, that scene had to be re-shot to ensure the details were just right.

“When we first shot it, you know, when you’re an actor and you get this kind of role, you’re like, ‘Yeah, I’m gonna get in shape…'” explains Abtahi, who has known Kraish for 10 years. “So we had shot the scene, and I think it was two months later and I was mid chocolate chip cookie when I got Bryan’s email that we need to shoot this again. I was like, ‘Oh crap.'”

He continued: “Both times it felt great and then watching the final product, it’s so beautiful. Because sometimes when you shoot these scenes, you’re like, ‘I don’t know if this feels raunchy or not,�� but it’s so touching and so beautiful, and with the special effects and the music — I don’t know. My hat’s off to you [Fuller].”

Jones quickly added: “You’re my favorite ‘ship. You’re the thing I’m shipping.”

Watch the entire video above to find out how this relationship will develop and to hear Fuller use colorful language while explaining his problem with the initial staging of the scene.

American Gods airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on Starz.

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