Stephen Colbert slams Trump defender Stephen Miller

Colbert challenged Miller to come on 'The Late Show'

Photo: CBS

Stephen Colbert targeted White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller on The Late Show Monday night, calling President Donald Trump's defender of his voting fraud claims a "young Gargamel" and a "liar" during the opening monologue.

Miller went on "all the Sunday shows" to speak about the infamous wall and "the president's super-crazy charges of voter fraud," said Colbert. Then he showed Miller on CBS' Face the Nation. "The powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned," said Miller.

"‘Will not be questioned'?" Colbert countered. "Let me test that theory: What the f— are you talking about?"

The late-night host further slammed Miller for claiming Trump's wall will "pay for itself many, many, many times over," despite reports it will cost $26.1 billion. "It will pay for itself? I thought Mexico was paying for it," Colbert joked. "Now Trump's gonna make the wall pay for the wall? That's not fair."

Colbert then called on Miller to come on The Late Show and defend his claims, since the adviser told ABC News he's "prepared to go on any show anywhere anytime and repeat it and say the president of the United States is correct 100 percent."

"Any show? Anytime? Anywhere? Perfect. How about The Late Show tomorrow at the Ed Sullivan Theater?" he said.

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"Listen," Colbert added, "if you don't show up, I'm gonna call you a liar, and if you do show up, I'm gonna call you a liar to your face."

Driving it home, The Late Show fulfilled Miller's promise to appear on "any show" by inserting him into The Big Bang Theory, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, and Game of Thrones.

Watch video from the episode above.

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