Fresh Off the Boat writer talks Eddie's romantic first kiss

Emerald City - Season 1
Photo: ABC

Every week, the cast and crew of ABC's Taiwanese American family comedy, Fresh Off the Boat, is taking EW behind the scenes. For each episode, one member is recapping, sharing thoughts on what went down, and walking us through the ins-and-outs of the show. This week, writer Abbey Caldwell brings us into the season 3 episode "Neighbors with Attitude."

Hi, my name is Abbey Caldwell, and I wrote this week's episode of Fresh Off the Boat. The first question I get when I tell people I wrote the episode about Eddie's sweet, romantic first kiss is, "Is that what your first kiss was like?" The answer is no. My first kiss was on spring break ‘04 in Cherry Grove Beach, South Carolina, with a junior boy named Jeff who drove a Jeep Wrangler. I think he cared as much about me as he cared about the class we had together, which was called "Technology." My feelings were stronger than his. We held hands once while we walked to the school parking lot. I doubt he remembers that. Well, you know what I remember? Hearing that he's not that cute anymore. And if you're wondering — I look great.

Anyway, Eddie and Alison's first kiss is way better than mine! It was a long time coming, since they've been dating for over a year in our show's timeline. But when we talked about it in the writers' room, we wanted to make sure the kiss felt authentic, not over-the-top. Their characters are only 13, after all. Hudson Yang and Isabella Alexander nailed it, especially considering they had to lock lips in front of 100 plus crew members who work on our show. Oof, I only had to kiss Jeff in front of 20 or so drunk high schoolers and I was shaking in my Old Navy flip-flops!

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One time in that "Technology" class our teacher made us do that thing where you watch The Wizard of Oz on mute while blasting Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon and it matches up to the movie perfectly. The same thing happens if you play Usher's Confessions under my episode of Fresh Off the Boat*.

(*No it doesn't.)

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