Lost EP talks reboot chances


A version of this story appears in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, on stands Friday, or available here. Don't forget to subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW.

With every day bringing about another revival, there's really only one way to ensure that your show isn't resurrected: Kill everyone! And for Lost — which aired its lethal series finale in 2010 after six seasons on ABC — even that wasn't enough.

"Those characters not only died, but we showed you their experience post-death," executive producer Damon Lindelof tells EW. "Any new take on Lost will probably have to feature new characters, as it should."

But don't get your hopes up for a return to the Island. More than six years after the show's conclusion, Lindelof feels that his tenure over that world has ended.

"As it relates to Lost, which was so heavily serialized, I do think it's somewhat of a betrayal to go back in and say there's more story to tell that I just came up with now, especially when we had ample time to end it on our own terms," he says.

RELATED: Hear more on how TV reboots are changing the future of series finales
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However, there is an island out there, and Lindelof says it's ours for the taking.

"[Executive producer] Carlton [Cuse] and I always said that we welcome any future crack at the [intellectual property]. Lost was bigger than us and bigger than [co-creator] J.J. [Abrams]. There's something really exciting about the fact that George Lucas sold the Star Wars universe and now the people who grew up watching it are making it. Maybe the same thing could be said for Lost."

You heard the man: We have to go back!?

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