'Shadowhunters' recap: 'Raising Hell'

Magnus Bane loves a good party and a certain shadowhunter

Photo: Sven Frenzel/Freeform

If a dream is a wish your heart makes, then Clary’s heart wants her memories back and for Jace to be a permanent fixture in her life. To make both a reality, she has to find this Magnus Bane dude and continue to wear cleavage-revealing dresses she borrows from Izzy. Totally doable.

Clary has a nightmare about a mysterious man named Magnus stealing her memories. The dream turns out to be not so horrific when she wakes up to Jace comforting her! It’s too bad Clary was still halfway comatose because Jace’s face morphs into Simon’s face. I guess the BFF will have to do for now. Simon wonders if Clary’s “Magus” is the same Magnus the vampire Camille with the smoking hot body mentioned when he was held hostage? Clary once again thanks Simon for being the light of her world before running off to tell Jace that they have a new lead. She bursts into his room, unable to hide the shock on her face as she registers a very shirtless and very sweaty Jace Wayland. Guess who else has a smoking hot bod?

Jace explains that Magnus Bane is the High Warlock of Brooklyn. He could be the key to finding her memories, which should lead them to her mom or the Mortal Cup or something equally helpful. I hope they find the cup, too, because I’m getting restless waiting for the blessed antique to turn up, as well.

Speaking of restless, Simon is fed up with hanging around the Institute as a glorified prisoner. Clary begs him to stay. There’s no way they can go back to their old lives. Everyone they know is in danger, and it’s best if Simon sticks around. Simon refuses. He doesn’t need Captain America to protect him. Jace laughs, claiming he’s not going to keep saving Simon’s life. Be gone, mundane! Clary wants to stay with her people. Her fellow shadowhunter people. Simon reads the message loud and clear.

There’s no time for sad good-byes. Hodge comes in to share a little intel on Magnus. He’s 300-years-old, and he loves a good party. There’s only one way he will come out of hiding, and that’s to attend a downworlder rave. Hodge gives the kids a ruby necklace that once belonged to Magnus as extra leverage. The goal? Get to Magnus before Valentine. Suit up! That means the exact same outfit for the guys and slinkier, shorter outfits for the girls. I have no idea where they are going to hide their seraph blades.

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Meanwhile, Simon makes it home only to find both Maureen and his mom waiting to nag him about staying out all hours of the night. Simon’s mom wants him to be more responsible. Maureen wants to know if he’s hooking up with Clary? Oh, sweet girl. Simon is the Mayor of Clary’s Friend Zone. Maureen is so happy to hear nothing is going on, that she plucks the courage to ask Simon if he wants to start dating. She accidentally knocks over a picture frame and cuts her finger. Simon is spellbound by the blood. Maureen receives this bizarre behavior as rejection. Simon swipes his finger through the blood on the glass and tastes it. I can’t wait to see him sparkle in the sun! Wait — wrong book series.

NEXT: You call that a demon?

Back at the downworlder soirée, Clary marches up to Magnus and demands that he give her back the memories that he STOLE from her innocent brain. Unfortunately, he gave them to a memory demon for safe keeping so Valentine couldn’t torture them out of his head like he did with Dot. He makes a portal and asks Clary to join him in the safety of his lair with the other warlocks. Before Clary can answer, Alec shoots down a Circle Member with his bow and arrow. Magnus takes a moment to be impressed before jumping into the portal.

With no memories retrieved and the ruby necklace gone, Alec is one unhappy camper. Clary snaps at Alec for being a total jack wagon. Jace takes the button that Clary snagged from Magnus right before he jumped into the portal and tries to track the warlock. He’s not strong enough. He enlists Alec’s parabatai bond to double their efforts. The boys stare into each other’s eyes with deep longing. I agree with Clary. It is oddly intimate.

It also works. Jace is able to sense where Magnus’ lair is hidden. And just in time. The protective wards are down. Circle Members attack, and the shadowhunters are able to save the day. Magnus is impressed that Clary fights with her heart. He agrees to summon the demon. It’s as simple as the cute shadowhunter (read: Alec) and his entourage joining together to form a bond around an intricately drawn pentagram. She’ll also need a powerful rune burned into her arm to help face the greater demon. Cue the screaming and sizzling sound.

Magnus instructs the shadowhunters to not let go of each other’s hands. They must hold strong in order to maintain the demon. Plus, the demon will want payment of some sort, but we don’t know what. Everybody good? Ready to summon? Let’s do this.

Magnus summons the demon, and a huge black tornado fills the pentagram. It has red eyes. Kudos to the Freeform CGI department on this one. (Please read that last sentence with a sarcastic font.) Magnus tells the others that in order for the demon to give up Clary’s memories, they have to give up a beloved memory of the one person they love the most. Immediately Clary sees her mom. Izzy sees Alec. And Alec sees Jace.

This, of course, freaks Alec out because he’s not ready to admit he’s gay, no matter how hot he thinks the warlock standing next to him is, or the fact that a demon just outed him in front of his closest friends and parabatai/crush/basically a brother. Alec breaks the bond, and the tornado sucks Jace up. Everyone tries to pull him out, but it’s no use. Clary uses her seraph blade to kill the demon, killing her memories right along with it. Hello square one. It’s been an hour since I’ve seen you.

Clary mopes around as Jace encourages her to bask in the glory of killing a greater demon. They will find her mother. Clary touches her necklace and sees Valentine leaning over Jocelyn in the weird bubble. Then he looks at her and demands the cup! Well that was unexpected. Clary calls Simon to apologize and talk about how her life is super hard but her hair is always flawless. We see Simon ignore the call as he stands before the Hotel Dumort with Camille smiling from the balcony. Something tells me he’s not back for another Bloody Mary.

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