Blindspot recap: Of Whose Uneasy Route

Jane, what did you do?!

Photo: Paul Sarkis/NBC

Oh, Jane, how could you let this happen?! Jane has finally realized her role in being planted in the FBI, and it’s to take down Mayfair. Whether this was her/Orion/Oscar’s intent from the beginning, somewhere along the way with Carter’s death Jane was unknowingly a lead conspirator in framing her boss.

We all remember how Carter died: Oscar shot and killed him when he kidnapped Jane and threatened to torture her for information. We recently just saw Oscar and an unknown companion move Carter’s body, and we now know they were taking it to the location Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Weitz accused Mayfair of burying Carter. Ugh, how did we get here? Let’s break it down.

The episode begins with just another day at the office when Matthew Weitz shows up and starts taking Mayfair’s belongings out of her office because of what happened to Alexandra. Shortly after, the building goes on lockdown. Thinking it’s just a routine procedure, our crew gets stuck in different places throughout the building: Mayfair and Zapata are in a hallway, Jane and Patterson are in the office gym, and Borden and Weller are discussing sports in Borden’s office. The most awkward situation is Reade’s, who’s stuck in an elevator with his ex, Sarah, and some crazy lawyer with a pill problem.

Sarah and the lawyer were in the office to have Weller sign papers relating to their dad’s health, and on their way out, Reade hopped on the elevator, not realizing Sarah was on it. It’s heartbreaking to see them together because you can tell how hurt Sarah still is from Reade breaking her heart. Making things even worse, Reade’s sporting major puppy-dog eyes because he only broke up with her to protect her from whoever was (is?) blackmailing him. The heartache is softened by the lawyer stuck in the elevator with them, who provides comedic dialogue about her panic attacks and love for prescription pills.

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Meanwhile, Patterson realizes that the lockdown is actually a hacker, and she and Jane climb through the air ducts to meet Weller and Borden. They are able to make it to Patterson’s computer, but she still is unable to stop the hackers from downloading every undercover agent’s identity. The hackers are two current employees of the FBI who are looking to sell the files to one of the cartels.

While Weller and Co. are starting a massive fire to de-trigger the lockdown, Zapata and Mayfair are forced to talk about their tension. Earlier, Matthew Weitz said hello to Zapata in front of Mayfair, which we now know was an arrogant move on his part as he already built the case around Mayfair. Mayfair asks Zapata how she knows Weitz, and at first she lies about knowing him. Eventually, Zapata confesses to Mayfair that she’s working with Weitz, and Mayfair begins to well up, showing Zapata she’s destroyed at her lack of trust in her. Zapata feels bad, but she makes the point that all lines of conspiracy are starting to point to Mayfair, and she better watch out for Weitz.

Jane and Weller are able to break into the hallway holding Zapata and Mayfair, and they all head to the main server room. They find the hackers and take one of them out, with the other getting away. Patterson is able to track down where the rogue hacker is with the files, and Zapata and Mayfair head that way. They only have 10 minutes (of course), until all of the elevators in the building drop from the 70th floor, compliments of their hacker-friend who wants his accomplice, Nicole, back. He realizes that Nicole is dead and attempts to take out Zapata and Mayfair. They gun him down and are left to figure out how to save everyone in the elevator before the timer goes off.

NEXT: The elevators are the least of everyone’s problems.

Patterson is able to secure all of the elevators, except for — you guessed it — the one Reade, Sarah, and the pill-popping attorney are in. Weller and Jane head to the top floor in an attempt to pull them out, and of course they sprint the entire (40ish?) flight of stairs. Of everything that’s happened on this show, the most unrealistic is that they were able to complete that climb that in under 10 minutes.

When they get to the elevator, Reade safely helps secure Sarah and lawyer-lady’s safety. He’s able to get out just in time, right before the elevator drops. Thinking this is an opportunity for Reade and Sarah to reconnect or maybe for Reade to explain himself a little better to her, Sarah delivers more heartache. She tells Reade that she’s moving to Portland, where her ex (Sawyer’s dad) lives. Then she just gives Reade a hug. There isn’t a bowtie or custom-tailored suit in the world that can fix Reade now.

After flirting all episode, Weller and Jane congratulate each other on saving the day by agreeing to go out for long-overdue drinks that evening. Just when we think it might actually happen, White and other officers come in and officially arrest Mayfair. He invites Weller and Co. to watch her interrogation, and what we find out is absolutely horrifying.

Everything Jane had done for Oscar set Mayfair up for murder. Yep — the pen, the flash drive, the GPS in the cars, it all set her up. Not only that, but Alexandra wasn’t really Alexandra. Her real name was Donna, and she’d been under federal investigation for a decade. (P.S., I totally called it in earlier recaps that Alexandra was some kind of agent. Insert shameless pat on the back.)

So not only was Mayfair’s heart being played with, she’s now officially going to jail for the rest of her life for the murders of Donna, Tom Carter, and Saul Guerrero. How will she get out of this one? It’s not like Jane will fess up. Even if Jane does come clean, Oscar and his crew probably have some sort of escape plan. Plus, we don’t even know how many of them there are or what kind of resources they have. We saw in the preview for next week’s finale that Jane confronts Oscar. Will he tell her details to make her understand why they are doing this? Was this really all Jane’s idea, or is Oscar playing her, too?

Other Questions and Notables:

  • The finale needs to tie together Orion, Project Daylight, Jane’s tooth, and Oscar’s sketchy activity in some way. Give us a breadcrumb, Blindspot!
  • Is Jane in danger? There’s no way that she’ll keep playing along with Oscar after this unless he drops some major bombshell that she’ll have to comply with.
  • Will Jane confess to Weller? She’s been following Oscar and most definitely doesn’t completely trust him; Weller may be her only hope to free Mayfair.
  • Sophia and the money: Is Sophia playing Mayfair, too? White said they found the exact amount of money in Donna’s hotel room that Mayfair withdrew for Sophia. Her prints were on the money, so it must be the same cash Mayfair gave her former love.
  • The Zack Morris walkie-talkies: Next to climbing tens of flights of stairs in record time, one of the most “really?” moments was Patterson’s love for walkie-talkies the size of footlong subs and having them conveniently in the office for use. They did provide for some good comic relief, though.

Sound off with your predictions in the comments; what do you think will happen in the finale? And be sure to read what the cast thought of tonight’s twist in this EW exclusive.

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