School board terminates teacher over Dolly Parton, Miley Cyrus 'Rainbowland' song, folks still gay

Add encouraging LGBTQ acceptance and referencing rainbows to things corrupting America's kids.

A wise frog once asked, why are there so many songs about rainbows?

He might also ask what's the point of firing a teacher for using one of those songs but since the answer is "because it advocates for acceptance," he would probably go back to the swamp and never take Manhattan again.

The school board of Waukesha, Wis. voted unanimously (unanimously!), 9-0, to terminate elementary school teacher Melissa Tempel for trying to get her students to sing the Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus duet, "Rainbowland."

Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus Singing
Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus. Vijat Mohindra/NBC via Getty

In March, Heyer Elementary School banned Tempel's first graders from singing the song at a concert, with parents in the district defending the choice because it "encourages LGBTQ acceptance and references rainbows."

Some of the song's controversial lyrics: "Living in a Rainbowland / The skies are blue and things are grand / Wouldn't it be nice to live in paradise / Where we're free to be exactly who we are."

Yeah, who would want to teach kids that.

Tempel tweeted her disappointment in the banning of the song, which then went viral and effectively nailed the casket shut on her career at Heyer. Lawyers for the school board accused Tempel of violating board policy by tweeting her feelings before speaking to her supervisors.

Tempel's lawyer argued that she was simply exercising her right to free speech, but that right only works half the time so Tempel was fired. And those Heyer kids will grow up to hate rainbows and/or gay people.

Meanwhile, Dolly Parton has donated 200 million books to kids up to the age of five through her Imagination Library, probably doing more for childhood literacy than name-any-politician.

And even if Dolly, The Great Uniter, is now divisive, we're all in big trouble.

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