Star Wars leaker John Boyega explains how his Rise of Skywalker script ended up on eBay

There’s one major rule when you become a part of the Star Wars franchise: keep spoilers under lock and key at all costs. John Boyega, who plays Finn in the latest movie trilogy, had the scare of his career when he lost the script to Rise of Skywalker and it ended up on eBay. While appearing on Jimmy Fallon‘s The Tonight Show this week, the actor broke down how it all happened.

“I left the full script under my bed and then I was moving apartments the next morning and so I forgot the script under my bed,” Boyega told Fallon. “We weren’t shooting, by the way. We had wrapped up. It was all in the past and I just forgot about the script and then, yeah, someone sold it on eBay.”

The script, indeed, appeared on the consumer-to-consumer website with Boyega’s name watermarked on every page, according to the actor. While other Star Wars fans probably would’ve sold the script for thousands, if not millions of dollars, this person sold it for just over $80.

“I think they were basing the price on my name being on the pages, not on it being a Star Wars script, and I don’t think the person ever read the pages,” Boyega said. “They just thought that it was something cool, tried to sell it online to make a few bucks.”

He also remembered getting that bone-chilling call from his agent: “Mate, I’ve just received a call from Disney and all the big gods of the movie industry that you work for, that your livelihood comes from, saying that you lost the most powerful script in Hollywood right now.”

“Let’s just say they will never work with me again,” Boyega added with a laugh.

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