Watch a supercut of the most withering Emoji Movie reviews

If you were pressed for time, you could sum up critics’ reviews of The Emoji Movie with a combination of a thumbs-down icon, a sad face, and a Patrick Stewart-voiced poop emoji.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to luxuriate in the brutal appraisals, ScreenCrush has you covered with a new video highlighting “the best bad reviews” of Sony’s smartphone-set animated comedy.

Among the critics featured in the supercut are the New York Post‘s Johnny Okeksinski, who wrote, “Please restore my eyes to their factory settings!”; Vulture‘s Emily Yoshida, who called Emoji “one of the darkest, most dismaying films I have ever seen”; and of course EW’s own Darren Franich, who said, “Watching The Emoji Movie is like staring into an existential abyss.”

Watch the video above for more.

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