Batman v Superman director releases 12-minute VFX breakdown video


Regardless of how you view Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, a lot of effort went into crafting the visual effects of DC’s clash of the titans. Director Zack Snyder honored that work this week when he revealed a 12-minute video breaking down some of the key moments.

Released on the Vimeo channel for Cruel and Unusual Films Inc., Snyder’s production company with wife Deborah Snyder, the video shows before and after looks at a young Bruce Wayne engulfed by a swarm of bats, a grown Wayne’s race through Metropolis, the explosion at the Capitol, the creation of Doomsday, Wonder Woman’s battle entrance, and more.

“Creating Doomsday’s organic birth sequence was a complex interaction between several different fluids: water, amniotic, blood, goo, mucus, spray, and foam,” a narrator in the video explains.

“This is a look behind the curtain and what my amazing VFX team is able to achieve… they are simply amazing,” Snyder tweeted on Wednesday.

Batman v Superman, a filmlargely bashed by critics, further broadened the scope of the DC Extended Universe by introducing Ben Affleck as the Dark Knight, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and Ray Fisher as Cyborg.

All will be further flushed out in Justice League, also directed by Snyder. The film arrives Nov. 17.

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