Live-blogging the Emmys telecast!


It’s time, PopWatchers! The 2008 Emmy Awards telecast live blog, brought toyou by Michael Slezak, Mandi Bierly, Chad Schlegel, and CoutureCorrespondent™ Meeta Agrawal. Enjoy!

Slezak: Fabulous Emmy quotes…including “Larry, Darryl, and Darryl”! And Vanessa (L. Yeah) Williams doing a little Mary Tyler Moore action!

Mandi: Vanessa (L. Yeah) Williams sighting No. 1!

Mandi: Oprah alert! I wonder if the audience would be this riveted if Ryan Seacrest, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum, Jeff Probst, or Tom Bergeron would’ve opened the show…

Slezak: Oprah looks a-mah-zing, but she sounds like she’s about to break into song.


Slezak: I think she is!

Mandi: Heidi in a tux? Meeta?

Slezak: Heidi Klum, you better work!

Meeta: I do love a lady fashion inspired by menswear.

Meeta: But that is different than a lady in a man’s tux.

Chad: Uh oh. This five host thing is already painful.

Meeta: Turns out not even Heidi can pull that off. And that’s saying something.

Mandi: Tom Bergeron looks like he wants to die.

Chad: First Palin reference!

Mandi: Stephen Colbert said in the pre-show that ABC asked him and Jon Stewart not to do any political jokes. Good to know they didn’t ask that of Howie Mandel.

Meeta: Heidi looks like she’d rather be serving drinks in that tux than on the stage with those four guys. Wow, more painful than Suede’s Runway fashions.

Slezak: Five hosts + 0 funny jokes = My second glass of veenie.

Slezak: Heidi, mercifully silent.

Slezak: And now that she’s speaking, she’s the funniest person up there!

Mandi: Shatner to the rescue.

Chad: I feel like I’m watching a lost episode of Laugh-In.

Slezak: Let’s pull the lady’s clothes off. Ick.

Meeta: And reveal a sparkle romper. Double ick.

Chad: Or maybe it’s The Benny Hill Show.

Mandi: Ah, Tina and Amy just reminded me what laughter is.

Slezak: “Welllllcome!” to Spain….She is hilarious.

Mandi: Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series winner is…Jeremy Piven. Again.

Slezak: I don’t understand that at all.

Slezak: At ALL. I mean, this wasn’t exactly the show’s best season, no?

Chad: Zing! Pivs just slagged the opening bit.

Slezak: He did make me laugh. I give him that.

Mandi: We’re allowed to knock it, but I hope Heidi slaps him backstage. Meanwhile, did we just hear that Josh Groban is going to perform THIRTY TV theme songs?

Slezak: Was that bit of info supposed to make us keep watching or put on our jammies and prepare mugs of hot milk?

Chad: Which TV theme songs do you want to hear most?

Slezak: I want Groban to sing The Jeffersons theme.

Mandi: YES. And WKRP in Cincinnati would be delightful. And Three’s Company.

Slezak: ABC just said it’s “National Stay at Home” Week. When is it not?

Slezak: That set looks NOTHING like the Seinfeld diner.

Slezak: But I’m always happy for some old Seinfeld banter. GENIUS. “It’s part of our lifestyle”

Slezak: I’m logging off if Vanessa (L. Yeah) Williams does not win the award.

Mandi: Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series winner is…Jean Smart! UPSET!

Slezak: L. Yeah I am upset!

Chad: Bye-bye, Slezak.

Slezak: I am sorry but as legendary as Jean Smart may be, I do not accept this result.

Meeta: Don’t go, Slezak! L. Yeah needs your support in this difficult time!

Mandi: Jean is good on that show, but yeah, I wouldn’t have thought Emmy.

Meeta: But Jean Smart does look fantastic tonight — her sheer overlay is a study in how to bring the red carpet glamour at any age.

Mandi: Like I said in the pre-show, very Helen Mirren.

Slezak: I could not see her frock. NOT THROUGH MY TEARS.

Mandi: L. Yeah is presenting later tonight. Stay strong.

Slezak: Okay, I’ll stick around. But they better give her an effing Jaguar. Or a Lear jet. Amends need to be made.

Mandi: Does anyone care about David Blaine anymore? Unless he is hanging outside our office, I do not.

Slezak: He should only hang upside down if he is at piñata level, and all angry New Yorkers are equipped with sticks.

Slezak: This is not a funny Housewives clip. They should show something FUNNY.

Mandi: I am not feeling Heidi’s dress. Or Heidi.

Meeta: Ah, I get it, Heidi is going to wear something different every time we see her, isn’t she? Clever clever Emmy.

Slezak: Why not Gaby wrestling with a nun?

Quick! Pick your favorite Desperate Housewife!

Slezak: Eva is my fave. But not her dress.

Mandi: Yes, they are all very supportive of each other…as long as Teri Hatcher gets to stand in the middle.

Chad: Felicity.

That’s a lot of ugly gownage, or are they badly lit?

Meeta: Nicollette and Teri looked great on the red carpet, but it might have been nice if someone had coordinated the cast’s colors. And volume. And mood.

Chad: Felicity acts circles around the others. Anyone see Transamerica?

Slezak: OMG! What an awesome awesome WIN!

Chad: Though Dana Delany will always have a place in my heart for China Beach.

Slezak: Ivanek is so totally awesome on Damages, and he won’t be on next season (unless he gets to come back from the dead).

Mandi: I totally picked Zeljko in our Emmy pool. YES.

Mandi: Jackée won an Emmy?

Slezak: Any montage that shows Jackée Harry is all right by me. But yeah, I had the same question! She won an Emmy?

Slezak: Then again, Jackée is so fabulous, the accent over her first E deserves its own Emmy.

Mandi: “Look at his stupid face.” Ricky Gervais should have followed Oprah, not the reality hosts. How did Steve Carell not laugh at “I sat through Evan Almighty — give me my Emmy.”

Slezak: That may be the funniest line of the night.

Meeta: David Brent threatening to tickle Michael Scott! My head is exploding! In a good way!

Slezak: Directing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program (a.k.a. as America’s First Tee-Tee Break).

Mandi: Directing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program goes to…the Oscars. I’ll never understand why they put one-time award shows in with series. Doesn’t seem fair.

Mandi: And PS, Mr. Winner, who is also directing this Emmys telecast: You need to send Ricky Gervais an extra gift basket. He saved your show by going long.

Slezak: Food update: Just had an Asian-style chicken pot pie. Yum!

Slezak: They didn’t even get the Simpsons set right? How is that possible? But Conan’s bit about “a guy with crazy hair and a girl’s voice can make it in this business.” LOL! (Seriously!)

Mandi: Conan: “Katherine Heigl told me she didn’t think my material was Emmy worthy.” Guess Katherine isn’t in the audience?

Slezak: I hope Chandra gets this one.

Mandi: Supporting Actress in a Drama Series winner is…Dianne Wiest.

Mandi: The Emmys hate you, Slezak.

Slezak: I never understand how you can be up for an Emmy and not show up to the ceremony. Maybe that makes me shallow, but I just don’t get it.

Mandi: Meeta, can you please weigh in on J. Love’s hair?

Meeta: Did J. Love and H-P get into a fight backstage? Or is she wearing her hair like that for the fun of it?

Slezak: Which is to say, Dianne Wiest should’ve swum through a moat of alligators to get that statue!

Mandi: The variety writing category is always my favorite.

Mandi: They should have these late-night staffs write the patter for the show.

Meeta: SNL made their own Miis! Can my Mii bowl against their Miis??

Slezak: The Wii-Mii thing is HILAR.

Slezak: (Yes, I said HILAR.)

Mandi: The Colbert Report wins!

Mandi: Let the parade of white men (and women!) begin. Take that, Daily Show.

Meeta: And look at that! They have more than one pair of ovaries on staff! Well done, Colbert!

Mandi: Jon Stewart gets to sit in front of J.J. Abrams. Very telling…

Slezak: I forgot Probst and Mandel were hosting.

Mandi: Lucky you.

Slezak: I was so much happier 90 seconds ago.

Mandi: (Though I do love Probst. He comes into EW’s offices before every Survivor season to dish. He’s better than this.)

Slezak: Probst is definitely better than a gross joke about the scantily clad Emmy Arm-Candy Ladies.

Meeta: Am going on a food run (no one gave this first-time live blogger the handbook on stocking the kitchen beforehand — I’m looking at you, Slezak!). Please hold on to your burning fashion questions until the Couture Correspondent (TM pending) makes her return.

Slezak: Adieu, Meeta! You must report back if you get something tasty!

Mandi: Meeta leaves and Tommy Smothers pulls out a fabulous purple tie. That is a shame. He is my best-dressed man on the telecast. (David Boreanaz won the pre-show, for those keeping score at home.)

Slezak: Because of his Paul Smith socks. (Boreanaz’s, of course.)

Slezak: Alynda Wheat just e-mailed to say Josh Groban should also sing the theme from Simon & Simon. I did not know that show HAD a theme song.

Slezak: Whoa, Mr. Smothers gets political. The joy of being an elder statesman, you can say whatever the hell you want, you don’t get bleeped, and you don’t get played off the stage.

Mandi: “There is nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action.”

Slezak: “Truth is what you get other people to believe.” I sense myself quoting that in the immediate future. That is all.

Mandi: Life on Mars is “the most anticipated premiere of the season”? Really?

Slezak: * (by ABC executives.)

Slezak: Our colleague Lindsay Soll adds she’d like to hear the Charles in Charge theme. Yes, people, I am apparently taking requests!

Mandi: Josh Groban is three songs in, and I’m already over this.

Slezak: Watching him sing the Friends theme is upsetting in a profound way.

Mandi: How do they expect people to get excited over three words from a song?

Mandi: THE JEFFERSONS, Slezak!

Mandi: Groban did do a good Cartman. And the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air = genius.

Slezak: Okay, Muppets theme and X-Files and L&O chung chung = Awesomeness.

Slezak: That said, I would have preferred if they’d just played these theme songs, and not had Josh Groban or anyone else singing it live. Does this make me a total curmudgeon, or just correct?

Mandi: I’m fine with Groban doing them, but they should’ve cut the number of songs in half so you could appreciate the funny.

Meeta: Couture Correspondent (TM pending) has re-entered the salon. Just in time to be totally freaked out by Josh Groban’s helium voice.

Slezak: What is Couture Correspondent (TM) having for dinner?

Meeta: The Couture Correspondent (TM pending) would prefer not toanswer that question, for reasons of Internet caching and culinaryembarassment in perpetuity.

Mandi: Lead Actress in a Miniseries or Movie is…Laura Linney for John Adams.

I would watch Laura Linney eat a cheese sandwich for a half hour. That is how amazing an actress she is.

Chad: Ugh. Laura Linney just did a shout-out to community organizers.

Slezak: (I have to admit the community-organizers comment played well in Casa Slezak.)

Chad: I don’t ever want to be a PC.

Slezak: Best part of the PC ad is when the guy says “Number Two.”

Mandi: PopWatcher Jessica S said, “I totally did the “Friends” clap with Josh. Does this make me a loser?”

Mandi: The answer: No. Had the original Beverly Hills, 90210 theme been there, I would have done the double fist-pump with the Priest.

Slezak: Only Tom Bergeron can say “bet your sweet bippy” and get away with it.

Slezak: Why isn’t Lily Tomlin on my TV screen every week? HILAR!

Meeta: Fine, fine. It’s King Crab and Avocado Sphere with Heirloom Tomato Vinaigrette and Roasted New York Strip Steak and Balsamic-glazed Barbecue Prawns for dinner.

Meeta: Oh wait, that’s what our luckier EW colleagues who are actually at the Emmys and not just watching them from their couches will be dining on at the Governor’s Ball tonight.

Meeta: (I may be just a *tiny* bit jealous.)

Slezak: Ha! I thought you were serious, and that I was in some kind of Lean Cuisine commercial on steroids!

Mandi: The thing that makes me sad is, it LOOKS like a lot of thought went into this year’s telecast, and it’s STILL not funny.

Mandi: The Daily Show wins variety/comedy/musical show.

Slezak: Mandi, your telecast is like a full 60 seconds ahead of mine.

Meeta: I’m having that problem, too! People, we forgot to synchronize our DVRs!

Slezak: We’re such losers!

Mandi: That’s because your cable company gave you a moment to collect yourself after Vanessa Williams’ loss, Slezak.

Slezak: I nominate Lily Tomlin’s Laugh-In hair for a long overdue Emmy, FYI.

Slezak: “From The Bones,” says Heidi, introducing David Boreanaz!

Meeta: And in that leopard print, Heidi Klum is most definitely OUT. (Sorry, Heidi!)

Mandi: David Boreanaz is a presenter! He’s made it! Presenting with Lauren Conrad? Okay, maybe not.

Meeta: I’m just going to preemptively say on Mandi’s behalf, what did Lauren Conrad do to rate the co-host spot to David B?!

Slezak: Who is this Lauren Conrad? (I refuse to recognize.)

Meeta: Oh wait, she already said it. As suspected, there is no preempting Mandi when it comes to the Boreanaz.

Slezak: I never knew EWwy nominee Paul Lieberstein directed an episode of The Office. I love him even more now!

Mandi: Kathryn Joosten didn’t sound at all upset that they cut her bit. Barry Sonnenfeld wins for directing the polarizing comedy series, Pushing Daisies.

Meeta: Is Tina Fey really going to have to share a stage with Lauren Conrad? The injustice!

Slezak: That Princess Leia clip they showed from 30 Rock made me howl.

Chad: Classic 30 Rock line: “Never go with a hippie to a second location.” Well deserved.

Slezak: Fey’s speech, predictably awesome.

Mandi: I’m still processing Lauren Conrad presenting an award with David Boreanaz, to Tina Fey. My DVR needs to give me a moment now.

Slezak: Mandi, let’s have the link to your a-mah-zing Boreanaz Q&A, so PopWatchers have something to do during the next run of boring awards.

Slezak: Mandi is too humble. Click here for her 17 Pop-Culture Questions for David Boreanaz gallery.

Meeta: Is The West Wing seriously a decade old? I can still repeat Josh and Donna’s exchanges by heart.

Meeta: Jed Bartlet for President!

Slezak: LOL at Sheen’s line about not winning a West Wing Emmy. Not so LOL that he is introducing corporate Emmy dood.

Mandi: We once asked Psych star (and West Wing alum) Dulé Hill to name five pop-cultural mysteries he’d like solved.

Mandi: His No. 5: “Did Martin Sheen really never win an Emmy for his portrayal of President Bartlet on The West Wing? They couldn’t find one to give to Martin Sheen?!? I’m just saying.”

Mandi: His No. 3: “Why didn’t Winona Ryder just pay?”

Slezak: The boring man makes me sleepy. Although his eyewear is saucy as hell.

Mandi: Christian Slater’s voice will wake you up.

Slezak: Or Ms. Applegate laying down the ratings challenge. She meant it: She plans to crush My Own Worst Enemy!

Mandi: Meeta, how do you feel about brown gowns? We saw Rachel Griffiths wearing one, as well.

Meeta: I feel brown is not as classic as black and not as pretty as anything else. Therefore, do not wear brown when invited to televised red carpet events.

Slezak: Wouldn’t you all agree the Mucinex phlegm dad deserves an Emmy of some kind? (Tread lightly, people!) That phlegm is the bomb!

Mandi: I’m gonna keep this blog classy…and say that I am totally psyched to watch Cloris Leachman on Dancing With the Stars.

Slezak: I’m gonna say that the Housewives look HELLA GORGEOUS in that ABC promo.

Meeta: Would have preferred for the Desperate Housewives to turn up in the red numbers they wear in their ad to the melange they wore onstage.

Slezak: YES!

Mandi: NO, JEFF PROBST, NO. Not this gumshoe horror.

Mandi: Meeta, Laurence’s red jacket?

Mandi: And Billy Petersen’s T-shirt?

Meeta: Larry Fishburne can wear what Larry Fishburne wants to wear.

Meeta: Billy, on the other hand…

Slezak: Fishburne looks to me like he’s auditioning to play a bartender in The Shining. And yet I applaud his effort to shake it up in the world of men’s fashion.

Mandi: “Right now, America needs a prune.”

Slezak: Such a slow build for the prune joke. Anyone other than Colbert saying those words would not make me laugh.

Mandi: And what was up with the weird cut to whatever that was? The Emmy version of spaghetti cat?

Chad: I didn’t see all of these noms, but I want Bob Balaban to win, just cuz it’s fun to say.

Slezak: That is a lovely and talented name.

Mandi: Sorry, Chad. But maybe Jay Roach will thank his wife, Susanna Hoffs, which would be fun.

Slezak: Who, other than me, owns more than one Susanna Hoffs solo disc?

Chad: What? No cut to Susanna Hoffs? Boo!

Mandi: He did thank “his rock ‘n roll sweetheart” — nice! And they did cut to her.

Chad: Missed that one. Ah, there she is. Looking…tan. Thank you, DVR.

Slezak: I missed her too. I will rewatch the entire Emmys later to see her visage!

Mandi: Writing for a Miniseries, Movie or Dramatic Special winner is…John Adams.

Meeta: I just had to rewind — did they cut off winner Kirk Ellis’ acceptance speech?

Mandi: Yeah, they totally cut him off when he started getting political (you know, talking about people who speak in complete sentences).

Slezak: Let ’em get political, I say! It’s more interesting than hearing a list of some dude’s attorneys and accountants, no?

Mandi: And it’s like Tommy Smothers’ acceptance speech never happened. Hypocritical. I wonder if they would have cut off an actor though? Was it just because he was getting political and was a writer?


Slezak: For frak’s sake.

Meeta: And now we’re back, and Howie didn’t even acknowledge it. Classy, folks, classy.

Slezak: Mandel is the living example of sticking to the script. Which makes him a woeful host.

Chad: Ooof.

Chad: Howie is in over his head. I totally forgot that he was in St. Elsewhere.

Mandi: Kathy Griffin and Don Rickles. Now things should get interesting….

Slezak: Kathy Griffin makes me laugh just by coming out on stage.

Mandi: “Get UPPPPPPPPP!” Kathy is making them give Don Rickles a standing ovation. AWESOME.

Slezak: Say what you want, but she’s a class act. (Did I just say that?)

Mandi: Don Rickles’ eye roll is my favorite moment of the night.

Slezak: UMMM, what was Rickles’ joke? I can’t tell if he made a joke about the cast of Ugly Betty looking like the OJ Simpson jury. But I kinda sorta think he did. I’m hoping he didn’t. Blërg.

Meeta: Just for you, Slezak, I will refrain from commenting on Griffin’s tulle hip holster.

Mandi: Reality-Competition winner is… The Amazing Race.

Mandi: Are you sad for Idol, Slezak?

Slezak: How could Idol not beat Amazing Race? Does. Not. Compute.

Mandi: Right. I mean, The Amazing Race goes around the world. Idol goes to Hollywood.

Slezak: Oh no she did not.

Mandi: Miniseries winner is…John Adams. Shocking. Since it received 23 nominations.

Mandi: Note: They didn’t cut Tom Hanks off.

Meeta: Break-time question for you, PopWatchers! Whose ensembles have you been loving tonight? And whose have you been loving to hate?

Slezak: I hate when Ty Pennnington yells on my ad breaks.

Mandi: Tom dropping Heidi does equal comedy.

Slezak: How much wine have you had?

Mandi: It caused Heidi pain. That is comedy to me.

Supermodels in Pain: We may have cooked up a hot reality show.Or is that already on The CW and hosted by Tyra Banks? Badum bum.


Slezak: “Bitter, party of two!” (Hee!)

Mandi: Don Rickles gets a real standing ovation. Person I like to hear laugh: Ricky Gervais. Person I like to see laugh: Stephen Colbert.

Slezak: Correct! Colbert laughing is awesome.

Slezak: Or should I say EWwy nominee Colbert laughing is awesome!

Mandi: Kate Walsh, Meeta? I’m liking.

Meeta: Whoa, there’s a lot of shiny fabric on the stage suddenly!

Mandi, K Walsh’s dress seems to be sprouting growths — there’s the rosette from the bustline, and the sparkles shooting out from every tier. Unlike. Immediately.

Mandi: It’s one of my favorites!

Meeta: Now you’re just saying that! Take it back!

Meeta: Otherwise I may have to start bagging on actors who wear stripey socks.

Mandi: Meeta, do not threaten David Boreanaz.

Meeta: Mandi, do not love the giant rosette attached to the disco ball.

Mandi: I love how Cynthia Nixon says she follows good work — after following the host of Don’t Forget the Lyrics.

Chad: Come on, Battlestar Galactica!

Slezak: Yes, we can all agree on BSG needing an Emmy!

Mandi: House wins for directing. Mad Men wins for writing.

Chad: Okay, if BSG has to loose, better it be to Mad Men.

Mandi: Jon Hamm, where have you been all my life all night.

Slezak: Sweet relief in the form of a potty commercial break.

Mandi: Wow, had I known there was that much sex on Private Practice, I might’ve watched it.

Meeta: An ad aside: Am I the only one who gets slightly freaked out every time those little twins appear on the Verizon ads? I know they’re supposed to spoof The Shining, but somehow they’re just as creepy!

Slezak: I love those twins! (And yes they are hella creepy.)

Chad: I don’t get it: If they’re twins, why is one so much taller than the other?

Slezak: Glenn Close should get to say “alcoholic manservant” in every role she takes.

Mandi: Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie winner…Paul Giamatti. And Tom Hanks just whistled.

Mandi: Candice Bergen’s cleavage, Meeta?

Slezak: I say she’s got it, she might as well flaunt it. (Not that you asked me.)

Meeta: I will only comment on Candice Bergen’s cleavage when I am 62 and still have cleavage.

Slezak: Provided she gives Baldwin or Carell the Emmy.

Mandi: Alec Baldwin wins!

Slezak: Candice chooses correctly!

Slezak: (I am going with the fiction that the presenter — and not Emmy voters — arbitrarily choose the winners.)

Meeta: What is Alec Baldwin going to say?? Actually on the edge of my seat for once tonight.

Meeta: And just like that, I’m back to the back of my seat.

Mandi: Slezak, however, is on the edge of his seat for Vanessa. MIC PROBLEMS????

Slezak: I just did unintelligible howling when L Yeah came out, and then they f***ing cut off her sound!!!

Meeta: Slezak, how did you handle that L. Yeah mic malfunction? Still breathing?

Mandi: The Emmys really DO hate Slezak!

Slezak: [Assumes fetal position.]

Mandi: Glenn Close wins Best Actress in a Drama Series. Oh, Chad, you are right: Mary Steenburgen looks fabu!

Meeta: Glenn Close is shaking she’s so nervous excited! So endearing.

Slezak: “Complicated, powerful, mature women are sexy, are high entertainment, and can carry a show!”
Hot speech, Ms. Close!

Meeta: Call me sentimental but the In Memoriam reel gets me every year. And bookending this one with George Carlin (young) and George Carlin (old) was lovely.

Slezak: Playing “Whiter Shade of Pale” on piano while they roll these super-talented folks, yeah, you’d have to be icy, icy cold to not be touched.

Slezak: Also, Harvey Korman answering a banana…that is brutally funny to this day.

Mandi: I LOL’d at Harvey.

Slezak: Two and a half hours of Emmys down…I have to say, the hosts are a hot mess, but the show is chugging along fairly quickly, no?

Slezak: Best Actor in a Drama time…exciting!

Mandi: What bit did they have planned for Kiefer Sutherland? Bryan Cranston wins! He was charming in E!’s pre-show, so I’m okay with this.

Slezak: WHOA! Bryan Cranston! I wonder how the average viewer at home feels, considering how low-profile this series is!

Slezak: Literally his show has fewer viewers than, like, Cavemen.

Slezak: I don’t like when attractive Emmy presenters have to play “mauled female meat” at the podium. Brooke Shields does not seem amused by the banter.

Mandi: For the record, I’d be fine getting mauled by Craig Ferguson.

Meeta: Tina Fey wins! And she seems genuinely surprised! Or not, but I still love her!

Slezak: “My husband will tell me ‘Just try to act like Julia Louis-Dreyfus.'” Again, HILAR!

Mandi: That’s right, bring out all the reality TV hosts and torture them!

Meeta: Have to say, Jimmy Kimmel was way funnier when he popped up incognito at TCA.

Mandi: This is the only time these reality hosts should’ve been on TV tonight.

Meeta: Oh wait, cutting to break to delay revealing the winner = very funny.

Slezak: Totally. That was unexpected…”after the break.” At least it was for me.

Mandi: Who are we all rooting for? I’m going Probst.

Meeta: I don’t watch Survivor, but given how great (read: hot!) Probst is when he makes an EW office visit, sure, I’ll give him my vote!

Slezak: I am (gulp) rooting for Seacrest. I loathe him a little and yet he keeps that show chugging.


Meeta: And with his speech Jeff acknowledges that he and his four co-hosts are largely responsible for making the show run long.

He looks terrific tonight, though, I will give him that.

Mandi: And admits that Jimmy Kimmel warned them that the “nothing bit” wouldn’t play.

Slezak: I thought he said “would play”?

Mandi: He said wouldn’t play, but they stuck to their guns. Or I thought he did.

Slezak: PopWatchers, what did Probst say? All must be revealed!

Meeta: Wouldn’t play. And, with three hours’ distance, it definitely didn’t play.

Slezak: I am outvoted 2 to 1!

Mandi: BETTY WHITE! Damn right, you should be standing. I’m standing in my living room. (Okay, I’m not.)

Slezak: Those “set pieces” up on the stage would look more accurate if they were rendered with an Etch-a-Sketch! But that classic MTM clip was one of the night’s funniest.

Meeta: Is it just me or did they cut down the length of the show clips even? How long did that do nothing intro last?!

Meeta: 30 Rock wins for comedy series! And we win getting more Tina Fey! (And still more in the embedded interview with Michael Ausiello at the end of this blog.)

Slezak: Somehow, Tina Fey making a plug for all the places you can watch her low-rated series (including TV!) is still hilarious.

Mandi: Mad Men wins for best drama series! My god, Jon Hamm looks good.

Chad: Joanie!

Mandi: So, a very good night for cable. And 30 Rock.

Slezak: It’s all about loooow-rated shows tonight. Breaking Bad, 30 Rock, Mad Men…these are big with EW and PopWatch peeps, but I bet the average American TV viewer has barely watched ’em, no?

Mandi: But the Emmys aren’t a popularity contest. So while I agree with you, I don’t think that matters.

Slezak: Not always…just interesting though. Wonder if any of the above will see an audience boost.

Mandi: How about this show actually ending at 11 p.m.? That could be the night’s biggest shocker.

Slezak: Mandi, you are correct! Maybe the Klum-Mandel-Probst-Bergeron-Seacrest hostbots aren’t such a bad idea! (Words I never thought I would type.)

Meeta: Okay, so one question — how does this work for the west coasters? Is the show just getting started? Should we rewind and start all over again?

Meeta: Oh wait! The magic of the internets! They can just start at the top and scroll down accordingly to follow our witty wonderful commentary!

Slezak: Yes, Meeta, that’s the way we roll with our live blog. Because I’m about to put on my PJs and dream about Vanessa Williams’ 2009 Emmy win. Good night all, and thanks for keeping our message boards en fuego!

Read our live-blog of E!’s Emmy red-carpet pre-show.

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