Get ready for our exclusive interview with 'Twilight' author Stephenie Meyer


We are very, very excited over here in Forks at Comic-Con, because we’re planning an exclusive interview with Stephenie Meyer that will go live on Friday! We’ll be sitting down with the Twilight series author for a very special one-on-one about her upcoming book Breaking Dawn, the Twilight movie, the Team Edward vs Team Jacob debate AND maybe, just maybe, if you have any really good questions for her… we might ask one or two of ’em. So post your queries, comments, adulation, what-you-will, below, and check back on Friday for what’s sure to be a killer interview.

And don’t forget to keep coming back to PopWatch over the next four days, as our blog magically transforms into the hub for all things Comic-Con. From Thursday to Sunday, we’ll be blogging fast and furious from dozens of panels, and giving you tons of exclusive video and interviews, to help you to get your geek on. We hope you’ll enjoy it!

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