Mark Ruffalo on the importance of the story behind his new film Dark Waters

Photo: Mary Cybulski/Focus Features

Mark Ruffalo, meet Exposure.

The acclaimed actor and activist lends his voice to the first chapter of the new book by Robert Bilott, a legal drama that traces the author's decades-long legal battle with DuPont, during which he uncovered the worst case of environmental contamination in modern history and a corporate cover-up that put the health of hundreds of thousands of people at risk.

Ruffalo's relationship to the material doesn't stop at his personal interest in it. Indeed, he's set to portray Bilott in Dark Waters, Todd Haynes' new film dropping Nov. 22, which unfurls this story through to the class-action lawsuit that resulted in a payout from DuPont of more than $600 million. It costars Anne Hathaway and Tim Robbins.

Exposure audiobook
S&S Audio

EW can debut an exclusive interview with Ruffalo discussing the importance of Bilott's story. "I've gotten to know Rob very well and have a tremendous amount of admiration for him and the work that he's done," he says. "[I want] to help have this information be disseminated out into the world. It's really important. It's been underreported and it touches all of our lives. It transcends politics and ideologies. It's one place I think where we can meet communally."

The Exposure audiobook is now available for purchase. Listen to Ruffalo's interview, as well as an exclusive excerpt of him reading from the book, below. <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay" src=";color=%23ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;show_teaser=true" class="" allowfullscreen="" resize="0" replace_attributes="1" name=""></iframe>

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