Doctor Strange 8-bit video game reimagines Marvel movie

Photo: CineFix

As it turns out, Doctor Strange works just as well as an 8-bit video game as it does a 3D blockbuster.

Cinefix’s 8 Bit Cinema YouTube series tapped the latest Marvel movie as inspiration for its latest installment. As shown in the video above, Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sorcerer Supreme must earn a portal-conjuring sling ring, steal books from Wong’s mystical library, acquire the Cloak of Levitation, face enemies in the astral plane, and battle Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen) in the Mirror Dimension.

Only then will he be able to face the demon Dormammu in the Dark Dimension.

The video brings an old-school Mega Man feel to Doctor Strange, while also poking fun at the film’s ending: Strange ultimately defeats Dormammu because the demon just isn’t feeling it anymore. “Ugh.” (Spoilers: It actually has to do with a time loop, but this is funnier.)

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