Kendall Jenner explains why she quit Instagram

Photo: Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.

Kendall Jenner had no idea her exit from Instagram would become a major news story.

“It’s so crazy to me that it even became huge news like that. Like I have no idea how that happened. I guess I didn’t expect it,” the model and reality television star told Ellen DeGeneres on Wednesday’s The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Jenner deleted her account this week, explaining it was time for a “little bit of a break.”

“I’m always on it,” Jenner, who had 68 million Instagram followers and once held the title of the most-liked photo ever on the social media platform, told DeGeneres. “I would wake up in the morning and look at it first thing; I would go to bed and it was the last thing I would look at. I felt a little too dependent on it. So I kind of wanted to take a minute. It’s a detox.”

Despite the admitted Instagram dependence and its downsides, Jenner said she expected to come back eventually. But she liked the idea of stepping away. “I’ll find myself going to click on Instagram and it won’t be there, and I kind of love that,” she said. “It’s a nice, refreshing feeling.”

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