Fresh Off the Boat season 3: Chelsey Crisp recaps episode 3

Photo: ABC/Eric McCandless

Every week, the cast and crew of ABC’s Taiwanese American family comedy, Fresh Off the Boat, is taking EW behind the scenes. For each episode, one member is recapping, sharing thoughts on what went down, and walking us through the ins-and-outs of the show. This week, Chelsey Crisp, who plays Honey, brings us into the third episode of season three, “Louisween.”

Hey there, I’m Chelsey Crisp from ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat. I play Honey — the Huangs’ next door neighbor, Jessica’s best friend, and an avid wearer of all things sleeveless. EW asked me to recap an episode and I’m thrilled it happens to be our Halloween one, written by Matt Kuhn and directed by Lynn Shelton.


Meanwhile, Eddie and his friends develop a plan of attack for their trick-or-treating route. The scene about the map showcases what I personally think is one of the most special elements of our show — sharp dialogue coming out of the mouths of brilliant young actors. The boys’ perfect candy route becomes moot when Nicole invites them to a high school party. Sadly, despite a quality ’90s Spice Girls group costume, Nicole’s bash is a dud and the boys bail. Eddie stays and tries to save the party with beer and window amps. Everyone shows up! Just kidding — only the cops show up. No one is in any real trouble because the beer is non-alcoholic (really, Marvin?), and the rumors of cops busting up the party do wonders for Nicole’s street cred in high school. She thanks Eddie profusely, and we see their relationship grow yet again in a very sweet way. Also, some white girl freaks out while listening to Jewel.

In the world of our favorite younger brothers, Evan and Emery find themselves out of sync while choosing their duo costume. Coming off their Silence of the Lambs showstopper, Evan drops the bomb that he doesn’t want to be the sidekick this year. Just when Emery’s hopes of seeing his little bro as E.T. in the bike basket are dashed (note to our writers: next year please!), Evan makes all of our lives complete as the world’s most adorable Judge Ito. But alas, the boys still can’t land on the perfect match, so we see them in a rare fight that ends in the decision to go as their own characters. When all is said and done, they thankfully decide they are better together than apart (duh) and finally go trick-or-treating with the family. Then some white lady hands them a coffee cup.

Fun facts about that white lady’s Elvira get-up:

  • To get ready for those two minutes of screen time, I was in hair and makeup for over three hours.
  • A small army of people made the costume happen. Huge love to our wardrobe, hair and makeup departments for their creativity, to our writers who birthed the idea, and our camera crew who were somehow able to frame around my hair mountain.
  • There is so much padding in my bra that I also had a microphone stashed in there. True story.
  • That underbelly-of-a-shark white skin? That’s my real color. I’m spray tanned to play Honey, so this week we skipped the fake-bake and let my Irish glow show.
  • The man who created what we call “Honey-Hair” also designed that amazing Elvira wig! Love you, Tom.
  • I ruined a take by laughing at Randall Park’s fake eyebrows. I’m not one to waste takes, but go watch that scene again. They are like big, fuzzy caterpillars trying to escape his face.

Thanks for reading and watching, guys! On behalf of all of us at the FOTB family, we hope you have a happy and safe Halloween.

Love & Pina Ghouladas,

Chelsey Crisp

Fresh Off the Boat airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on ABC.

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