Documentary Now: Helen Mirren, Fred Armisen, Bill Hader clip features The War Room spoof

Photo: IFC

Fred Armisen and Bill Hader are back with the soothing tones of Helen Mirren for a new season of Documentary Now! — and in a new teaser, the newly minted Fast and Furious actress presents a spoof on the 1993 documentary The War Room called The Bunker.

The fake doc is set in 1992 and features Armisen and Hader as political operators for a gubernatorial campaign in Ohio. In the clip, their candidate, Ben Herndon, is concerned their latest attack ad against opponent Governor Lester is too negative.

“This Sunday is Governor Lester’s birthday,” the ad’s voiceover says. “Let’s hope it’s his last.” Only one person on the campaign team seems to understand its implications.

Watch the clip below.

Elsewhere, the Documentary Now! season 2 trailer teases other spoofs on classic documentaries: Jiro Dreams of Sushi becomes Juan Likes Rice & Chicken, and Salesman becomes Globesman.

Documentary Now! returns Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 10 p.m. ET on IFC.

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