You're the Worst: Showrunner Stephen Falk previews Lindsay in season 3

Best Supporting Actress: Kether Donohue, You’re the Worst
Photo: Byron Cohen/FX

In last year’s season 2 finale of FXX’s comedy You’re the Worst, Kether Donohue’s now pregnant Lindsay was reunited with her husband, Allan McLeod’s Paul. So, what are the chances that it will be smooth-sailing for the pair in the third season of the L.A.-based show? Precisely zero, according to showrunner and creator Stephen Falk.

“Well, Lindsay left last season pregnant, reunited with Paul, but sitting in his sidecar of his motorcycle, and we saw the look on her face, which basically said, ‘Oh shit, what have I got myself back into?'” explains Falk. “By the end of the first episode of this season, we’ll see indeed that Lindsay has made a terrible mistake and watch her then throughout the season trying to reconcile that. I think in a very interesting way she does she try to — not get out of what she’s gotten back into, but try to make her marriage to Paul fulfill all her needs, which takes her to a really, really dark and twisted place.”

The third season of You’re the Worst — which also stars Chris Geere, Aya Cash, and Desmin Borges — premieres on Aug. 31 on FXX.

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