Crank director says Officer Downe is better than any Marvel movie or DC movie ever made

Mark Neveldine hypes graphic novel adaptation on Movie Crypt podcast

Photo: Image Comics

Those looking for the next Deadpool could do worse than cast their gaze in the direction of the forthcoming comic book adaptation, Officer Downe. At least that seems to be the suggestion of Crank and Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance codirector Mark Neveldine, one of the film’s producers.

Speaking on this week’s episode of The Movie Crypt podcast, Neveldine declared that Officer Downe is “better than any Marvel movie or DC movie ever made.” Neveldine also paid tribute to Officer Downe lead actor Kim Coates, best known for playing Tig Trager on FX’s Sons of Anarchy. “Kim Coates is Officer Downe,” said Neveldine. “It’s old school Gene Hackman s–t.”

Officer Downe is the debut film from Slipknot cofounder and percussionist Shawn Crahan, and stars Coates as an L.A. supercop who is killed in the line of duty but is repeatedly resurrected and sent back onto the streets. The film is based on the ultra-violent Man of Action/Image graphic novel written by Joe Casey — who also penned the film’s screenplay — and illustrated by Chris Burnham.

Neveldine was cagier about when cinemagoers will be able to decide for themselves whether Officer Downe lives up to his hype. “We’re gonna be sneaky,” he said. “There could be a Comic-Con thing, might be a film festival thing. But we’re holding our cards. We’re very excited for every fan to see this movie.”

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