Abe Vigoda: Conan O'Brien remembers his silly side in touching tribute

Photo: TBS

After Abe Vigoda’s death at age 94 on Tuesday, Conan O’Brien joined the multitudes of other celebrities remembering the veteran actor by airing a montage of all the Conan sketches Vigoda appeared in over the years.

“Abe was a huge part of our show in New York,” O’Brien said, introducing his tribute montage. “I couldn’t believe how many times Abe would come on the show and do hilarious things for us. We used to call him up and sometimes would have the idea like 3 hours beforehand — it would usually be the silliest thing, and Abe would always come right over and do it.”

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The video tribute showcased Vigoda’s silly sense of humor. Through various sketches, the actor gets decorated like a Christmas tree, becomes Viyoda by donning Yoda ears, and creates a “total Vigodal eclipse” by slowly moving his face right in front of the studio camera.

“Thank you, Abe, for all the laughter.”

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