Triple 9 trailer debuts with poster


Triple 9 certainly doesn’t look like your average cop movie.

Its deep cast of award-winning actors (including Casey Affleck, Woody Harrelson, Anthony Mackie, Norman Reedus, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Kate Winslet, to name a few) portends to a stirring rendition of its corrupt-cops-in-over-their-head story. But make no mistake, these corrupt cops (Mackie, Reedus, Ejiofor) are in over their head, judging by the latest trailer.

The entrance of Affleck’s character as a new do-gooder only serves to mess up their plans. He’s a family man, but that doesn’t seem to matter to the monstrous gangsters and criminals he’s up against. There’s less dialogue in this new trailer (check out previous ones for more plot description), but a whole lot of action. Watch it below.

Triple 9 hits theaters Feb. 26. A new poster for the film has also been released.


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