Star Wars game eerily predicted huge Force Awakens spoiler

Photo: Jules Heath/© Lucasfilm 2015

Game-playing Star Wars fans might have felt an eerie sense of déjà vu while watching a climactic scene in The Force Awakens.

Because a game from five years ago nailed a major spoiler from the new film (stop reading now if you haven’t seen Force Awakens).

The moment where Kylo Ren kills Han Solo is mirrored in a game that even has a similar-sounding title — Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2.

Even the camera angles are similar, with the villain Starkiller embracing Solo, stabbing him through the heart with his red lightsaber…


… and then there’s a reversal shot of Solo’s expression…


No tender face caress though!

Check out the video below (sequence starts around the :45 mark);

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