James Cromwell arrested during power plant protest In New York

Photo: Erik Gliedman/Times Herald-Record/AP

This article orignally appeared on PEOPLE.com.

James Cromwell was arrested on Friday in New York in relation to a power plant protest, according to multiple reports.

The actor, 75, held a fist in the air as he led a chant at the entry of the Competitive Power Ventures power plant, which fellow protestors passionately participated in, the Time Herald-Record reports.

The crowd, which included about 30 people, were reportedly shouting, “Power to the people!”

After being asked and refusing to move from the entrance, the American Horror Story star and two others – who were all connected by an interlocking device, which had to be cut away by officers – were taken into custody, the newspaper adds.

According to ABC, the protesters believe that toxins from the plant can be dangerous to the health of nearby resident and might lower the value of homes in the area.

Cromwell has been vocal about his opposition to the plant, telling PEOPLE earlier this month that the plant is an environmental “catastrophe” in the making. His strong feelings even resulted in his removal from an upstate New York awards ceremony after he “got up and started screaming” during the event.

“I knew that we wouldn’t change any hearts or minds by doing this,” Cromwell told PEOPLE. “I’m not a scientist, I’m merely a concerned citizen. I’m concerned about this community and concerned about maintaining the quality of life for everyone here and not just for those people who make a profit out of ripping things out of the ground.”

After the arrests, the Academy Award nominee and a total of five other protestors were given tickets for disorderly conduct, the Time Herald-Record reports.

The group is reportedly set to appear in court on Jan. 4.

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