Zac Efron can't name High School Musical song Breaking Free during interview


An interviewer decided not to stick to the status quo while speaking to Zac Efron, Emily Ratajkowski, and Max Joseph for We Are Your Friends and had the trio name a set of songs based on their intros. Unfortunately for Efron, that meant a blast from the past that he couldn’t quite name.

While speaking with Cosmopolitan UK in the interview above, the two stars and director of the upcoming film were tasked with guessing a few popular songs from the last few years. And Ratajkowski’s speed with naming Beyonce’s “Drunk in Love” startled him from the onset.

Perhaps that shock is to blame for Efron’s confusion as they made their way through a set of songs and ultimately landed on “Breaking Free” from the High School Musical. But almost a decade and three HSM films later, Efron can’t quite recall which song it is until the song’s title is said in the lyrics, which may disappoint some fans and seem completely reasonable to others.

“There’s three movies of songs, guys,” Efron said in his defense.

Watch the interview above to see Efron try to nail down the tune, as well as the High School Musical joke he makes at the end of the interview that appears to not register with his co-star and director.

We Are Your Friends opens on Aug. 28.

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