Freeheld trailer: Ellen Page, Julianne Moore star in LGBT drama

Ellen Page and Julianne Moore star in fact-based love story.

Photo: Phil Caruso

Grab a box of tissues — the first trailer is out for Freeheld, the film based Stacie Andree and Laurel Hester’s real-life battle for domestic-partner rights.

Julianne Moore plays Hester, a police detective who was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer in 2005. Hester’s efforts to leave her pension benefits to her domestic partner Andree (played by Ellen Page) were blocked by a board of county representatives, and the couple spent Hester’s last weeks fighting for an appeal. Hester died in 2006, but her bravery paved the way for domestic partner benefits in New Jersey.

The film, written by Ron Nyswaner (Philadelphia) and directed by Peter Sollet (Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist), follows the 2007 Oscar-winning documentary short of the same name.

Watch the trailer below:

Exclusive first look at Ellen Page and Julianne Moore in the gay-rights drama Freeheld

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