Twin Peaks to premiere in 2017, says Mark Frost, co-creator

'The challenge for us is to try and come back and raise the bar above what we did the last time,' says Mark Frost


UPDATE 11/03: CBS Corporation president and CEO Les Moonves confirmed the 2017 arrival date during an earnings call on Tuesday. Co-creator Mark Frost said back in July that the original 2016 release date had been pushed to 2017, but Showtime had declined to comment at the time.

EARLIER: Who killed the Twin Peaks release date? Mark Frost and David Lynch!

Fans may have to wait a spell before that long-awaited cup of damn fine coffee. The cult hit’s third season, which has been 25 years in the making, was thought to be coming to Showtime in 2016. However, according to Frost, the show’s co-creator, we’ll have to wait a bit longer before we see Agent Dale Cooper back in action.

While touring the National Baseball Hall of Fame with his 11-year-old son, Frost outlined the challenges inherent in bringing back the show following such a long absence given the inevitable fan expectations that come along with it.

“The challenge for us is to try and come back and raise the bar above what we did the last time. We’re coming back with season 3 of Twin Peaks after a 25-year absence,” he told the Hall of Fame senior curator, Tom Shieber, in a piece unearthed by Uproxx. “We’ve finished the scripts, we start production in September, and that will be coming out on Showtime in 2017.”

At this point, what’s one more year?

And in case the excitement of the ensuing batch of new episodes is starting to wan, here’s something to keep you going: A Frost-penned Twin Peaks book will debut next year, chronicling the quarter-century between seasons.

Slip on a cardigan and cuddle up with a log — it’s going to be a long couple of years.

David Lynch returns to Twin Peaks revival

‘Twin Peaks’ co-creator Mark Frost is penning a sequel novel

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