Nicole Kidman went on the worst first date with Jimmy Fallon

Photo: Jesse Cowell/My Damn Channel

This may be the most cringe-inducing interview Jimmy Fallon has had in a long while on the Tonight Show, one that had him red in the face for the whole segment.

Douglas Gorenstein/NBC[/caption]

Nicole Kidman went on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon for the first time, and for a very good reason: The last time they crossed paths, Kidman had an awful “date” (if one can even call it that) with Fallon. What began as a meet-cute set up by Rick, a mutual friend, quickly devolved into an O. Henry-like disaster. Rick took Kidman, who was game to date Fallon, to Fallon’s apartment, where Fallon’s disinterest was so palpable that Kidman thought Fallon was gay.

Watch the video and see Kidman school Fallon on his cold, hard rejection in the form of wearing sweatpants and serving her old Chinese food.

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