Benedict Cumberbatch on genius roles: 'The kind of challenge I relish'

THE IMITATION GAME Benedict Cumberbatch
Photo: Jack English

At this point, Benedict Cumberbatch is used to playing the genius: Past roles include Stephen Hawking, Sherlock Holmes, and, most recently, Alan Turing in the upcoming Imitation Game. Playing these characters project after project sounds difficult, but to Cumberbatch, it’s all part of the fun.

“I don’t see it as a challenge—well, I do—but the kind of challenge that I relish, because I love learning,” Cumberbatch told Time in a video interview. “So if I’m given this opportunity for this sort of extended, higher education that this job offers me often with these extraordinary people and their extraordinary talents, then that’s something I strive on.”

Watch the entire interview over at

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