Learn how to be a privileged rich kid with 'The Social Climber's Bible'

The Social Climbers Bible

The Social Climber’s Bible: A Book of Manners, Practical Tips, and Spiritual Advice for the Upwardly Mobile came out on Oct. 28. The must-have guide for any aspiring socialite teaches readers the commandments of the art of social “Mountaineering” at any and every event, from a cocktail party to a funeral.

And be assured that the authors, Jazz Johnson and Dirk Wittenborn, know what they’re talking about. Ms. Johnson is an heiress of the wealthy and prominent Johnson & Johnson family; Mr. Wittenborn is a novelist and filmmaker who produced an HBO documentary called Born Rich, about, well, being born rich.

In fact, Jazz Johnson’s famous fam joined forces to make a hilarious satirical (we think) video, The Social Climber’s Bible Presents JET ETIQUETTE—an excellent expert resource if you ever happen to find yourself onboard a private plane, and aren’t quite sure how to navigate the skies savvily. Check out the short video below.

Here’s a billing of the Johnson family members who appeared:

Jim Johnson (Jazz’s father)as The Butler

Pearl Johnson (Jazz’s sister) as Lady on the balcony

Gretchen Johnson as Lady at the party #1

Dirk’s wife Kirsten as Lady at the party #2

Loring Biedron (Jim Johnson’s grandson) as Boy at the party

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