Sarah Palin is going rogue with her own online news channel

After spending years criticizing supposed failures of the liberal media, Sarah Palin has decided to take matters into her own hands. On Sunday night, the former Republican vice presidential candidate announced the Sarah Palin Channel, a subscription-based news website where Palin promises to “talk directly to you” without a need to “please the powers that be.”

The channel already includes video takes on Vladimir Putin (so you will be able to see Russia from Palin’s media coverage), special education in schools, and a quote of the day (today’s is from Thomas Paine). There’s a running tally of the nation’s national debt and a countdown timer of the days left in the Obama Administration.

Palin promised that videos will also be available for smartphone and tablet viewing. Full access costs $9.95 a month or $99.95 a year.

Palin currently appears on Sportsman Channel’s Amazing America With Sarah Palin. In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter regarding that show’s second-season pickup, she mentioned a possible interest in appearing on The View, stating that “maybe a show like that needs a punch of reality and a voice of reason from America’s heartland.” While Palin’s new gig doesn’t necessarily preclude other appearances, it seems she’s found her own platform to take on politics.

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