Season Finale Awards: 'Once Upon a Time' creators dish on Hook, Elsa

Hook gets jealous of his past self and punches him(self) in the face, Once Upon a Time , 60.2% 2. Red eats peaches while holding…
Photo: ABC

One of the big winners of’s fifth annual Season Finale Awards (voted on by readers like you!) was Once Upon a Time, ABC’s fantasy fairy tale which took home five awards* including Best Romantic Cliffhanger, Funniest Moment in a Drama, and Biggest Regret That I Didn’t See It, I Just Heard or Read About It.

To accept the awards, show creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz called in to Entertainment Weekly Radio on Sirius XM 105, where we quizzed them about all things season finale — including that steamy kiss between Hook and Emma, the misfortune of Regina, and what’s coming next in season four.

On Hook being jealous of Hook (Funniest Moment in a Drama): “I think all of us inside have jealousy and sometimes that even includes ourselves in past lives. For us, we kind of look at Captain Hook as our Han Solo. We say he’s Han Solo with guyliner.”

On the Robin-Regina-Marian triangle (Best Romantic Cliffhanger): “[Lana Parilla, who plays Regina] was like, ‘Oh, I’m really enjoying this, I’m falling in love,’ and we said, ‘Great, enjoy it, because we are going to destroy you.'”

On surprising fan love for Regina: “What’s amazing for us is that this is a woman who started the show trying to kill all the lead characters, and now everyone’s mad at us for ripping away her boyfriend.”

On whether Elsa, whose arrival was teased in the final moment of the finale, is more Frozen or fairy tale (Biggest Regret That I Didn’t See It…): “For us, I think this is Elsa from Frozen. That was kind of the inspiration… Will there be our own elements put to it? Yes. Like all things like we do with Snow White or Peter Pan or Captain Hook, we take our own kind of twist on it but remaining faithful to the actual essence of the character.”

Listen to the interview below:

* The show also won Dumbest Move by a Character Who Should Be Smarter and Cheesiest Effect. (Really, it runs the whole gamut here, guys.)

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