Watch Samuel L. Jackson perform slam poetry about Boy Meets World

Photo: Nathaniel Chadwick/NBC

Let the marketing for Girl Meets World begin!

Tuesday, The Tonight Show‘s viral content maestros asked Samuel L. Jackson to pull a typically nostalgia-tinged stunt: Perform an extremely accurate and detail-oriented slam poem about ’90s sitcom Boy Meets World. And boy did Jackson oblige.

Boy Meets World. Boy greets world. Hello, world. I am Cory Matthews. Short and average, head full of curls, the year 1993,” he begins. To quote any more lines would spoil the fun — but suffice it to say both Topanga and Mr. Fee-Fee-Feeny get shout outs. The clip is actually a really great recap of the program’s seven glorious seasons. (Someone over at The Tonight Show is a massive fan).

Watch below, then ponder if Mr. Jackson has ever actually seen one second of Boy Meets World in real life:

Psst: Sam! The whole thing is on YouTube.

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