Julianna Margulies 'Good Wife' Facebook chat: Here's what we learned

The Good Wife Recap
Photo: Craig Blankenhorn/CBS

Spoiler alert: If you haven’t watched Sunday night’s episode of The Good Wife, stop reading now!

In the wake of Sunday night’s Good Wife episode, fans are champing at the bit to find out everything they can about what exactly went into killing off the beloved Will Gardner (Josh Charles). And in a recent effort to offer perspective, Julianna Margulies did a Facebook chat with her fans.

Here’s what we learned:

Save all of your Alicia-Will questions until after next week’s episode: “I really encourage you to watch this coming Sundays episode, you will see what she really thinks about Will. And bring tissues.”

Her favorite scene with Josh Charles involved balcony sex: “My favorite scene was a flashback of the two of them in New York, when they were out on the balcony and she tells him she’s never been happier.”

She was well aware of Will’s goodbye ahead of time: “They ran it by me first before bringing it to the Network, and Josh and I both thought it was a brilliant idea.”

She’s not so sure Will and Alicia would’ve ended up together: “I think the reason everyone wanted Will and Alicia together was because they weren’t together.” She later answered a similar question saying, “I actually never thought they could make it, too much baggage on both sides.”

Will is still very present next week: “You will see and hear Will all through the episode, but that’s all I can say.”

Don’t expect Alicia to drown her sorrows in other men: “It’s called THE GOOD WIFE! Not the GOOD SLUT!” She also shot down rumors of an Alicia-Cary romance, as well as the idea of George Clooney coming on the show. Sorry guys, but it’s not happening.

Alicia’s destiny might already be decided: “Apparently the writers told me that they have known all along where Alicia will end up, so your guess is as good as mine.”

Margulies does have a very hot husband, but he’s not exactly itching to replace Charles on the show: “If he could or wanted to act, I would happily have him, but he is soooo uninterested in acting, he just likes to see it!”

In case she hasn’t said it before, next week, next week, next week! “Next week’s episode was the hardest thing.”

There will be closure for Will and Alicia: “The closure will come eventually, but the next few episodes are very Willcentric in Alicia’s mind.”

The competition between firms will “continue for a bit.”

It is possible for her to find love after Will: “I hope so, don’t we all wish that for anyone who has lost a love in their life? That being said, it will take a long time.”

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