Lena Dunham and Jimmy Fallon get nostalgic about video stores

Photo: Lloyd Bishop/NBC

Lena Dunham and Jimmy Fallon have a lot more in common than we knew.

Dunham stopped by The Tonight Show on Tuesday to promote Sunday's season finale of her HBO comedy, Girls. And while it's not surprising that these two had a breezy, fun conversation — thanks in no small part to their mutual admiration — what we didn't expect was a five-minute nostalgia trip, with the duo reminiscing about video stores and the impact of Reese Witherspoon's early career.

It turns out both Dunham and Fallon had gigs working as video store clerks when they were teens. In the interview below, we learn that Dunham worked at Mr. Video 3 for $4.75 an hour when she was 14, while Fallon was 17 when he worked at Video 2. Dunham laments the "video store guy" — those dudes who "are kind of mean, they think they're smarter than everyone, [but] they're probably not because they work at a video store" — going the way of the dinosaur. She says those guys at Mr. Video 3 "had real opinions about film, whereas I was like, 'Whatever Reese Witherspoon is in, give it to me.'"

Which, hilariously, leads to what is probably the most serious conversation about Witherspoon's 1991 film The Man in the Moon that has ever taken place on television. Though Fallon admits he must have seen the movie 100 times and Dunham says it formed all her ideas about romance, neither can remember if it starred Jeremy or Jason London (it was Jason), or the name of Witherspoon's character. "Was it Charlie? Billie?" they wonder. (Close: It was Dani.)

Dunham stuck around to play a game of Pyramid with fellow guest Hugh Dancy, taking on team Fallon and Questlove.

The actress and the Hannibal star nail their '90s movies category ("I'm gonna punch you in the face! And no one else can know about it! I'm Edward Norton!" Dunham says, giving her Fight Club clue while throwing her fists in the air), but Fallon and Questlove struggle with their category involving "words that don't rhyme with anything." (Who wouldn't, really?)

Find out who wins in the full video below:

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