'Scandal' star Scott Foley goes shirtless in new ad for linens

Scott Foley Charisma

After a painfully long hiatus, Scandal finally returns Thursday night, and to be honest, we’re a little worried. We think you might not be ready for all the sexiness that will be presented to you. Let’s have some real talk: This show is filled with very powerful, very attractive people, and you haven’t seen them since 2013. For example, last we saw of Jake, he was named Command, which means he’s not only in charge, but he’s also in a suit. Can you handle it? (We know Olivia can.)

So in order to properly prepare you for all the eye candy that will be returning to your television screen, we’ve found Scott Foley’s latest shirtless endeavor. As the spokesperson for Charisma’s spring campaign, he’s ready to talk about luxury linens. But more importantly, he’s ready to see how they feel against his bare chest. And the kicker? The hunk of a man claims he never feels sexy. “My wife has told me that I am sexy, and people on Twitter tell me that I’m sexy, so there must be something there, right?” Yeah, we think there’s a little more than something there.

Watch the ad below:

Also I have no idea what makes these sheets/towels so special, but I’ll buy them. Whatever the cost. Crap. Did I just become Team Jake? Quick, Tony Goldwyn! Do something sexy! (Spoiler: He probably will tonight.)

Scandal airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. on ABC.

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