'X-Men' images: Sentinel, Quicksilver in 'Future Past'

Last week’s X-Men teaser promised an in-depth look at Days of Future Past, this summer’s hotly-anticipated reunion prebootquel. Sure enough, director/pitchman Bryan Singer and the X-cast have teamed up with Empire magazine to unveil 25 magazine covers featuring the sprawling cast of characters who occupy Future Past‘s two timelines.

The most notable revelation is a full-sized Sentinel, one of several mutant-hunting megadroids who torment the X-Men throughout the generations.

First up, here’s a look at the #Sentinel Mark I, circa 1973. #XMen #Empire25 @EmpireMagazine pic.twitter.com/gNcwwc68FX

— Bryan Singer (@BryanSinger) January 27, 2014

The sinewy look of Singer’s Future Past Sentinel marks a distinct departure from the old-school Sentinel design. By way of comparison, here is the Sentinel who stands guard outside my office, shown here with his pal Lil’ Spider-Man.

Then there’s the first shot of new X actor Evan Peters in his full Quicksilver costume. Cool goggles, bro!

Brand new mutant! Actor Evan Peters (@Tweetsonurface) speeds into #XMen as Quicksilver on @EmpireMagazine. #Empire25 pic.twitter.com/535BkBdjwi — X-Men Movies (@xmenmovies) January 27, 2014

And remember Toad? No? Well, he’s back!

First appearing in #XMen back in 2000, Toad returns to the cast, now played by Evan Jonigkeit (@Johnakite). #Empire25 pic.twitter.com/QXUJh2Xnq8 — X-Men Movies (@xmenmovies) January 27, 2014

So is William Stryker, the bad guy in X-Men 2 and in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. To recap, William Stryker has been played onscreen by more people than Wonder Woman.

Meet Stryker before the days of Project X. See him in this #Empire25 cover played by Josh Helman. #XMen pic.twitter.com/DEO68pXBlm

— Shawn R Ashmore (@ShawnRAshmore) January 27, 2014

More covers will appear throughout the day.

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