'Orphan Black' creators tease season 2: 'Expect to hit the ground running'

Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany
Photo: BBC America

First, the bad news: You will have to wait until next spring to see new episodes of Orphan Black. (Hey, told you it was bad.) But now, the good news: The creators of BBC America’s clone-conspiracy drama, Graeme Manson and John Fawcett, are willing to offer a few glimpses into season 2. Before they appear at Comic-Con on Friday with at least one version of star Tatiana Maslany (who plays single mom Sarah Manning, not to mention several other clones) to answer your burning questions and screen some never-before-seen season 1 footage, read what the pair had to say about the new episodes.

On the themes of season 2

MANSON: We definitely will be continuing looking at bonds and themes of motherhood in all its guises that we show — Mrs. S. (Maria Doyle Kennedy) and the foster motherhood, Sarah and Kira (Sklyer Wexler) — as well as testing and stretching the bond between our three main women (played by Maslany), Cosima, Sarah and Allison… Sarah’s going to be on the run in season 2.

FAWCETT: She’s really freaked out because she’s got bad guys after her.

On where the action picks up in the season 2 premiere

MANSON: You can pretty much expect to hit the ground running.

FAWCETT: There’s not a lot of time wasted in terms of where the season begins. Kira is gone and Sarah is panicking, and the season begins maybe two hours after the end of season 1, and launches like a rocket right from there.

On when fans will get answers to questions from the end of season 1, such as Kira’s special healing ability and Cosima’s sickness

FAWCETT: These are obviously questions that everybody is going to want answers to. We’re going to get answers — I’m not sure how quickly we’re going to get answers. Part of the joy of the show is letting things mysteriously unfold. The fact that people don’t really know where the show is headed? We like that.

MANSON: It’s safe to say we are interested in unwrapping the mystery of Kira and Sarah’s motherhood.

On the likelihood of meeting more clones this season

MANSON: We’re really interested in that. We’re also very respectful of the idea of it. We want to introduce characters — not a lot of red-shirt clones. It’s safe to say we want to.

FAWCETT: We’re a clone show. That’s what we are and that’s what got Graeme and I so excited about this concept in the first place. I think it’s safe to say that through the course of this series we’re going to meet more clones.

On the role that proclone Rachel will play in season 2

FAWCETT: Before getting into any other further clones, we’ve got this new clone that we really don’t know very well, and Rachel is going to figure in pretty strongly in season 2. She’s not just a bad guy. She’s got a lot of layers to her and has a very, very interesting backstory.

On some fans speculating that Helena is somehow still alive despite being shot by Sarah

FAWCETT: I don’t know, I think she was pretty dead. She looked pretty dead to me.

MANSON: Shot in the heart, but, you know, she’s kind of a bad penny. Who knows?

For more on Orphan Black, pick up a copy of EW’s Comic-Con issue, on newsstands now.

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