What will be the highest grossing movie of the summer?

Iron Man 3
Photo: Marvel/Disney

With Iron Man 3‘s $175 million opening weekend, the summer box office race has officially begun. From now until Labor Day, expect a huge turnout at the theaters for the tentpole releases this season.

EW staffers Grady Smith, Darren Franich, Mike Bruno, Jeff Labrecque and Denise Warner each give their expert* picks for the top 10 movies at the box office this summer. See them below, and then use our ranking tool to predict your own top 5!

Grady Smith

My list is pretty straightforward, with the exception of Pacific Rim. Part of me wants to put it’s gross at $250 million because the ‘BWAAAAMP’ sounds in the trailer and fanboy chatter are giving me major Inception vibes, but I could also see it performing like Prometheus and ending up around $120 million. Right now, I’m splitting the difference. I’m feeling pretty bold about White House Down. It looks like goofy fun, and its patriotic appeal boosts prospects. As far as what’s not on my list — World War Z, After Earth, The Lone Ranger, and 300: Rise of an Empire — I just couldn’t, in good-box-office-prognosticating-conscience, include those. Some things have to misfire every summer, and they just don’t have any heat on them yet.

1. Iron Man 3: $365 million

2. Man of Steel: $325 million

3. Star Trek Into Darkness: $285 million

4. Monsters University: $275

5. Despicable Me 2: $250 million

6. Fast & Furious 6: $235 million

7. The Hangover Part III: $195 million

8. The Wolverine: $170 million

9. White House Down: $165 million

10. Pacific Rim: $150 million

Darren Franich

You’re all severely underestimating the fact that your mom is excited about The Great Gatsby.

1. Fast & Furious 6: $312 million

2. Star Trek Into Darkness: $299 million

3. Iron Man 3: $285 million

4. Man of Steel: $211 million

5. Despicable Me 2: $210 million

6. Monsters University: $199 million

7. Pacific Rim: $177 million

8. The Great Gatsby: $162 million

9. The Heat: $150 million

10. Elysium: $140 million

Mike Bruno

Fast will do great, but it won’t be able to match the watercooler draw Iron Man has, and everyone will feel like they’re missing out if they haven’t seen it. Trek and Man of Steel don’t quite have the same buzz, but obviously should clean up and come in just behind the top dogs. And Hangover Part III will grab a 10th spot because as much as you know it’s gonna be disappointing, you’re still kinda curious just what in the hell they managed to piece together for a third go round.

1. Iron Man 3

2. Fast & Furious 6

3. Star Trek Intro Darkness

4. Man of Steel

5. Monsters U

6. Wolverine

7. Lone Ranger

8. Despicable Me 2

9. World War Z

10. The Hangover Part III

Jeff Labrecque

Summer of 2008 redux with Iron Man wowing audiences before a DC legend surpasses all expectations. My best bet, though, is Monsters University — no way it doesn’t scare up $300 million.

1. Man of Steel

2. Iron Man 3

3. Monsters University

4. Fast & Furious 6

5. The Hangover III

6. Pacific Rim

7. Star Trek Into Darkness

8. Despicable Me 2

9. World War Z

10. The Lone Ranger

Denise Warner

I know nothing about this, clearly, and I have what I’m sure will be my personal favorite at the top.

1. Fast & Furious 6

2. Iron Man 3

3. 300: Rise of an Empire

4. Elysium

5. Star Trek Into Darkness

6. Monsters University

7. Pacific Rim

8. Despicable Me 2

9. Man of Steel

10. White House Down

Now that you’ve seen our predictions, make your own!

*Excepte for Grady, none of us are experts. And some of us didn’t even bother to predict the total haul for these movies.

Read more:

You Pick ‘Em: Predict the Five Biggest Summer Box Office Hits

‘Fast & Furious 6’ vs. ‘The Hangover III’: The summer’s biggest box office showdown revs up

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