'Veronica Mars': Kickstarter campaign closes with $5.7 million

Veronica Mars Directors Cut
Photo: Kickstarter

It's a wrap for the Veronica Mars Kickstarter campaign. Since EW exclusively revealed the game-changing fundraiser last month, Rob Thomas & Co. accrued a mind-blowing $5,702,153 — well above the $2 million Kickstarter goal and Thomas's personal goal of $5 million.

An impressive 91,535 backers chipped in — for reference, that's only slightly less than the combined 2011 World Bank population estimates for Monaco, Liechtenstein, and Palau combined. The greatest single donor point was the $50 mark (23,227, or about 25.4 percent), which scored contributors a slew of swag, including a DVD of the movie with a behind-the-scenes documentary and special bonus features. As we reported, the single biggest backer Steven Dengler coughed up $10k mostly for the love of Internet fundraising, though he has the chance for a speaking walk-on role when the film begins production.

With a script in progress and star Jason Dohring confirmed to reprise the role of Logan, it's only a matter of time until those old familiar sets (we missed you, Mars Investigations!) are gracing a big screen near you. That said, star Kristen Bell has yet to ink her deal officially. With all that extra month to play around with, let the contract negotiations begin!

Read more:

'Veronica Mars' movie releases director's cut of Kickstarter launch clip — VIDEO

'Veronica Mars' movie update: Rob Thomas has first draft, shares where the money is going

Jason Dohring returns for 'Veronica Mars' movie

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