Hannibal pilot script

Photo: Robert Trachtenberg/NBC

Did you eat up the Hannibal premiere last week? Well then you’ll positively feast on the news that NBC has released the pilot script, complete with bloody illustrations, production notes, and episode stills.

A few minor, but crucial, things are different: For example, in the script we see Hugh Dancy’s Will Graham first practice his mind trickery on a yoga mat, and the police officers and agents he works beside don’t seem fazed by his reverse-analysis. Also, that golden FRUM-ing arc of light is actually a pendulum, if (like me) you hadn’t already figured that out.

Other tasty details: Bryan Fuller’s script pays a bit more attention to Graham’s lack of social interaction — in particular, how everyone around him reacts to it, including Mads Mikkelsen’s Dr. Lecter — and it gives names to all the crime scene workers, which makes me wonder if they’ll become more important throughout the season. Weirdly, Graham’s line that, “The sad, dull truth of these crimes is they can usually be reduced to a male penetrative control issue,” was also cut — though it’s one of the only times the script references its fascination with violating women (or showing off crazy men violating women)

And last: Is it eerie or interesting to learn that director David Slade diagrammed each of Lecter’s meals? Click over to NBC to see full illustrations.

Read more:

NBC to serve ‘Hannibal’ repeat

‘Hannibal’ ratings: Better than NBC was expecting?

‘Hannibal’: Five thoughts from the premiere

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