'You're Next' trailer

Photo: Lionsgate

I recently saw a screening of the excellent home invasion horror-comedy You’re Next and, for reasons which will become abundantly clear when the film hits cinemas on August 23, have had the Dwight Twilley Band’s why-was-this-never-a-hit? soft-rock classic “Looking For the Magic” on repeat in my head ever since. The movie’s first trailer features no Twilley — making highly ironic use of Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” instead — and gives little indication as to the darkly hilarious nature of director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett’s film. But the clip does accurately tease the large amount of nerve-rending mayhem to be found in the movie, whose cast includes Sharni Vinson, AJ Bowen, Re-Animator star Barbara Crampton, and indie director Joe Swanberg, amongst others.

You can check out the trailer below. Take a look and tell us what you think.

Read more:

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