Stephen Amell -- Arrow Photo

Photo: Justin Stephens for EW

We recently did a photo shoot with Arrow hunk Stephen Amell for a feature in this week’s issue. Let’s just say… boy can pose. With a smile (and guns) like that, we had a lot of great shots like this one below:

Justin Stephens for EW

We know what you’re thinking: That’s great and all, but where are the shirtless shots? Well, my dears, if you head on over to Facebook and Like Entertainment Weekly, we’ll show you some more amazing (read: shirtless) photos.


For more on Arrow, pick up this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly.

Read more:

Arrow recap: The Parent Trap

Jeremy Gilbert continues to wear tank tops on The Vampire Diaries (and other small wishes TV has or could grant us this winter)

Vampire Diaries: Ian Somerhalder contemplates Damon’s life with the cure, and casting Silas

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