Facebook revamps Newsfeed


This afternoon, Facebook made an announcement so bold, so incredible, so — dare I say? — groundbreaking that the very foundations of the way we stalk our exes and look to see which of our enemies have gained weight may be forever altered.

The basic gist: Pictures on News Feed — wait for it, wait for itare about to get bigger.

Not just a little bigger — a lot bigger. Like, super big, as you can see from the photo above. Additionally, Facebook will be reducing News Feed’s clutter by allowing users to sort which information appears — it’ll soon be possible to view just updates from all of your friends, just photos posted by your friends, just posts from the properties you “like,” and so on — adding little maps to the posts that appear when a user checks into a location, and changing the site’s interface so that it better resembles Facebook’s mobile interface.

The main story here, though, is those big pictures. Some users can already take advantage of this new design; other poor, unfortunate souls will have to wait hours or even days for the embiggening process to begin. But when it does — oh, when it does! — they’ll finally get to see photos of their obnoxious friends’ milestones they way they were meant to be seen: in a larger format than ever. The future is now!

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