New X-Men Days of Future Past photo

X Men Professor X
Photo: Attila Dory

Bryan Singer is really excited about Days of Future Past. You can tell, because in addition to directing and producing the X-Men prequel-sequel, he’s also become the movie’s official PR person, filling up his Twitter account with semi-regular casting updates and location-scouting pictures. (Plus the occasional reminder that Jack the Giant Slayer is a real movie, too.) Singer celebrated President’s Day yesterday by tweeting a picture of Professor X’s wheelchair. Or rather, wheelchairs — Patrick Stewart’s present-day-or-maybe-dystopian-alternate-timeline chair sits right alongside James McAvoy’s ’60s-era chair. Take a look and ponder the space-time continuum for a hot second:

Follow Darren on Twitter: @DarrenFranich

Read more:

‘Game of Thrones’ star Peter Dinklage joins ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’

Three more ‘X-Men’ actors are returning for ‘Days of Future Past’

Hugh Jackman officially joins the cast of ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’

Bryan Singer will direct ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’

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