Happy Valentine's Day! Who's your fictional valentine this year?

Happy Valentine’s Day, PopWatchers!

In honor of the day of love (or a manufactured holiday of corporate greed) I got to thinking about fictional characters I’m in love with. Ask any of my friends, and they’ll tell you the list is pretty long. I can’t help it! Whether I’m swooning over The OC reruns and wondering where Seth Cohen was for me in high school, or contemplating whether I’d be willing to live in the 1920s if it meant Matthew Crawley could be my boyfriend (yes), if there’s a charming guy on television, I’ve probably wanted to to marry him at some point. Danny from The Mindy Project? Been there. Jim Halpert? Welcome to my 2005. This Valentine’s Day, I’m choosing not to narrow it down any further when it comes to fictional boyfriends. It’s a four-way tie! This (fake) holiday is the best.

Check out some staffers’ picks for their fictional valentines below, and then be sure to tell us what character you’re secretly hoping to have some chocolates delivered from today.

Breia Brissey: I’ve already made it very clear how I feel about Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen on EW. So mentioning him here is merely a formality. But my real Valentine this year is Parks and Recreation‘s Ben Wyatt (Adam Scott). For fans of the show, it’s probably not even necessary to explain why. If you watch, you get it. He’s the perfect combination of adorable and nerdy, making him practically irresistible in my book. That said, I couldn’t steal him away from Leslie. (And let’s be honest, she’d totally take me down if I tried.)

Adam Carlson: Teen Wolf‘s Stiles Stilinski: Possible Adderall addiction aside, Stiles is a hyper-fast talker, and overlooked romantic, who has a great relationship with his father. And he doesn’t abandon his friends just because they might, maybe, be cursed with lycanthropy. (Plus: we share a love of plaid.)

Darren Franich: I feel like me and Zoe Barnes from House of Cards could really connect in a serious way. We have so much in common. She’s a blogger, I’m a blogger. She drinks wine out of coffee cups, I drink everything out of wine glasses because I have no actual glasses. She gets a little too close to her sources, and…well, one time I waited in line for the bathroom behind Scott Porter.

Samantha Highfill: Ryan Atwood!!! Between his wife beaters, his blue eyes and his just-enough-to-be-sexy jealousy, I would gladly be Ryan Atwood’s valentine. Our perfect day would consist of going to the pier and making out, and then going to the ferris wheel and making out, and then ending up in a tiki hut … making out.

Jeff Labrecque: Elaine Benes from Seinfeld. She was the total package for me: a Baltimore Orioles fan with a tremendous wall o’ hair who stood up for herself against Soup Nazis, proved over and over again to be a patient, forgiving girlfriend, and could dance like no one else (Thank god!)

Lynette Rice: Deacon on Nashville. Sweet mystery of love, at last I found you — even if I didn’t start caring about country western music until you first opened your mouth. Don’t ever change, or shave.

Tanner Stransky: Even though he plays a murder, I’m obsessed with Adam Canto from The Following. He’s dipped into the gay waters—he faked a relationship as a serial killer plot—and he’s got abs for miles. He might kill me in the end, but it’d be worth it.

Denise Warner: Yes, Jesse Pinkman is a meth dealer, murderer, and former user. But I’m still addicted to him — or rather Aaron Paul’s portrayal on Breaking Bad. Who can resist Jesse’s enthusiasm — “Magnets, bitch!” — or his loyalty to his friends. And once he stopped dressing like a PacSun model, he got infinitely hotter. I’d be his bitch any day.

Read more:

Better than chocolate-covered strawberries: Let EW provide your Valentine’s Day entertainment

TV-inspired Valentine’s Day cards: Share your TV addiction with your loved one!

Top 10 Valentine’s Day DOs and DON’Ts from ‘This Means War’ screenwriter Timothy Dowling

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